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Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman

mar·riage --noun 1. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to

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This page is dedicated to preserving the traditional definition of marriage in America. And since this is not just a "Christians" verses "them" issue, this page includes viewpoints from various religious groups.

Answered by Glenn T. Stanton

Are you confused about what “marriage” really means today?

Many people, are confused by the arguments they are hearing today on the subject of homosexual marriage. Superficially, what the advocates are saying may seem fair and logical. Scratch the surface, however, and you’ll find that their assertions don’t hold up.

This article contains some of the frequently asked questions and often-heard statements about this important issue, along with the answers that will help you in the debate. This is a cataclysmic social battle, and it will be with us for some time to come. No citizen, can afford to sit this one out on the sidelines.

Q. Shouldn’t two people who love each other be allowed to commit themselves to one another?

A. Absolutely, and people do that all the time. But we don’t call it marriage. There are lots of loving commitments that are not marriage. Friends are committed to each other, a parent is committed to a child, grandparents to their grandchildren, and people are committed to their pets. All of these are forms of love. All of them result in commitments. None of them is marriage.

Q. What’s wrong with letting homosexuals marry?

A. No human society—not one—has ever tolerated “marriage” between members of the same sex as a norm for family life. And that is what is at stake here, making “marriage” between two men or two women as normal as between one man and one woman. It is saying that neither arrangement is any better than the other. As Dr. Dobson writes, only until the last few “milliseconds” of history and experience (i.e. Canada and some European nations) have we arrogantly believed we can improve upon this ancient and universal institution.

This public meaning of marriage is not something that each new generation is free to redefine. Marriage is defined by the God of nature and nature’s God—and a wise society will protect marriage as it has always been understood. Marriage is the way our culture promotes monogamy, provides a way for males and females to build a life together, and assures every child has a mother and father.

Q. Homosexuals can’t have children, but many other couples can’t as well. Why do we let them marry?

A. This is the exception and not the rule. Many of these childless couples adopt, and their adoptive children receive the benefits of both father and mother this way. It is impossible for a homosexual couple to bestow that benefit—the presence of a father and a mother— on any child, even if that couple adopts or uses artificial insemination.

Q. Isn’t it true that what kids need most are loving parents, regardless of whether it’s a mother or father?

A. No. A child needs a loving mother and father. A wealth of research over the past 30 years has shown us this. (However, same-sex marriage and parenting intentionally deprive children of a mother or father.) The most loving mother in the world cannot teach a little boy how to be a man. Likewise, the most loving man cannot teach a little girl how to be a woman. A gay man cannot teach his son how to love and care for a woman. A lesbian cannot teach her daughter how to love a man or know what to look for in a good husband. Is love enough to help two gay dads guide their daughter through her first menstrual cycle? Like a mom, they cannot comfort her by sharing their first experience. Little boys and girls need the loving daily influence of both male and female parents to become who they are meant to be.

Q. Isn’t that cruel?

A. That’s only because of the times in which we live. Our society prizes what seems fair, more than what is true. Children truly need both a mom and a dad. It is cruel to intentionally deny them this. The research supporting this is both substantial and unequivocal!

Q. What about people who are too old to have children, even adopted ones? We let them marry.

A. Yes, of course we allow older folks to marry. Having babies is not a requirement of marriage. The reason for supporting the institution of marriage is not rooted only in childrearing. Man and woman were made for each other, and the State has a compelling interest in supporting it — with or without children.

Q. But isn’t it better for a child to grow up with two loving same-sex parents than to live in an abusive home or be bounced around in foster care?

A. You’re comparing the worst of one situation (abusive heterosexual parenting) with the best of another (loving same-sex parenting). That’s apples and oranges.

Those who want homosexual marriage are not asking to take the children living in the most difficult situations, so it’s intellectually dishonest to preface the argument with that claim. They are asking for the same thing all parents desire: healthy, happy children they can call their own. So let us dispense with the idea that same-sex couples will serve some high social good by only taking children in the most difficult situations. They have never asked for this.

Q. Apart from the issue of children, don’t gays have the same legal right to marry that heterosexuals do?

A. All people have the same right to marry, as long as they abide by the law. You cannot marry if you’re already married, you cannot marry a close relative, an adult cannot marry a child, you cannot marry your pet, and you cannot marry someone of the same sex. Let’s be clear, everyone has access to marriage as long as they meet the requirements. This is not about access to marriage. It‘s about redefining marriage to be something it has never been.

Q. But heterosexuals can marry according to their sexual orientation. Why shouldn’t homosexuals be allowed to marry according to their orientation?

A. Then nature itself is intolerant. Marriage has not been “imposed” upon culture by some religious institution or government power from which it needs to be “set free.” It was established by God, is enforced by the nature which God bestowed upon mankind, and we tamper with it at our own peril.

Here’s what is intolerant. Same-sex “marriage” is being forced upon us by a small, but elite, group of individuals dressed in black robes—judges—who say that thousands of years of human history have simply been wrong. That is a very arrogant notion that will bring great harm to our culture.

Q. Isn’t banning gay marriage just like banning interracial marriage?

A. Not at all! Being black or white, Hispanic or Asian is not like being homosexual. Again, no academic institution in the world nor any U.S. court has ever established that homosexuality is unchangeable, as are race, nationality or gender.

But this assertion really implies that opponents to same-sex marriage are bigots and that is not true. They simply believe marriage is between men and women for good reason.

Q. But haven’t we seen all kinds of family diversity in various civilizations throughout history?

A. No. Anthropologists tell us that every human society is established by males and females joining in permanent unions to build a life together and bear and raise their children. The differences we see in family from culture to culture are primarily variations on this model: how long the male and female stay together, how many spouses either can have and how the labor is divided. Some cultures make greater use of extended family than others. Family diversity is largely confined to these differences. But there has never been a culture or society that made homosexual marriage part of its family model.

Q. But how does someone’s homosexual “marriage” threaten everyone else’s families?

A. Gay activists are not asking for just one homosexual marriage, even though they often personalize it by saying, “Don’t you interfere with my family and I won’t interfere with yours.” What the activists want is a new national policy saying that no longer is a mom and a dad any better than two moms or two dads. That policy would turn some very important principles upside down:

Marriage would become merely an emotional relationship that is flexible enough to include any grouping of loving adults. If it is fair for two men or two women to marry, why not three, or five, or 17? The terms “husband” and “wife” would become merely words with no meaning.

Parenthood would consist of any number of emotionally attached people who care for kids. “Mother” and “father” would become only words.

Gender would become nothing. The same-sex proposition cannot tolerate the idea that any real, deep and necessary differences exist between the sexes. It must rest on a “Mister Potato Head theory” of gender difference (same core, just interchangeable body parts). If real differences did exist, then men would need women and women would need men. Our children would learn that sexual differences are like mere personality types. Wait until your kids start bringing those papers home from school.

Q. But doesn’t expanding marriage to include homosexuals actually help strengthen marriage?

A. Just the opposite. There is recent evidence from the Netherlands, arguably the most “gay-friendly” culture on earth, that homosexual men have a very difficult time honoring the ideal of marriage. Even though same-sex “marriage” is legal there, a British medical journal reports male homosexual relationships last, on average, 1.5 years, and gay men have an average of eight partners a year outside of their supposedly “committed” relationships.

Contrast that with the fact that 67 percent of first marriages in the United States last 10 years, and more than three-quarters of heterosexual married couples report being faithful to their vows.

No. Watering down the definition of marriage does not help strengthen marriage.

Q. Even so, traditional marriage isn’t doing all that well, with so many divorces, right?

A. You’re right. Marriage isn’t working well, so what should we do? Erase the marriage laws? Look at it this way. We have laws against murder, but people still commit murder, so what should we do? Erase the murder laws? Of course not. When laws aren’t working, legislators try to fix them. We should strengthen marriage, and many are beginning to do just that.

As a matter of fact, the evidence favoring marriage is so overwhelming that the federal government has begun to encourage the inclusion of a marriage training component in all state welfare plans.

Q. But doesn’t our culture benefit from trying new things?

A. New does not always mean better. “New” and “improved” have only become synonymous in our consumer age. Anything that departs from specific instruction in the Scriptures is a bad idea, inevitably.

Thirty years ago, our nation entered a dramatic social experiment on the family called “no-fault divorce,” thinking this would improve family life. The research that examined the next 30 years of experience, however, has judged this experiment a massive failure. Children and their parents have been hurt far more deeply — and for much longer — than we ever imagined.

The revolutionaries of the no-fault divorce movement claimed that the “til death do us part” portion of marriage wasn’t that important. They were wrong. The same-sex proposition claims the “husband” and “wife” portion doesn’t matter. Here we go again.

Q. Surely, though, homosexuals need marriage to feel like full members of society, don’t they?

A. Need marriage? No. What we are talking about here is self-esteem and it is not the place of government to bestow self-esteem on any individual or group.

Q. Why do you have to be so narrow in your definition of marriage?

A. Nature is narrow in its definition and for very good reason. Research over the last 100 years consistently shows us that marriage provides a treasure chest of good things for adults, children and society.

Q. What benefits does marriage provide?

A. Research consistently shows that married adults do better in virtually every measure of well-being. Married people live longer, happier lives. They enjoy higher levels of physical and mental health, they recover from illness quicker, earn and save more money, are more reliable employees, suffer less stress, and are less likely to become victims of any kind of violence. They find the job of parenting more successful and enjoyable and they have more satisfying and fulfilling sex lives. These benefits are largely equal for men and women.

Compared with children in any other situation, children with married parents need to visit doctors less often for physical or emotional problems, and they do better in all measures of intellectual and academic development. They are more sympathetic toward others and much less likely to be in trouble at school, at home or with the police. They are much less likely to use drugs and be involved in violent behavior or premarital sexual activity and childbearing. It is uncommon for kids who live with married parents to live in poverty or be victims of physical or sexual abuse. Research is clear: marriage makes a substantial, positive difference in people’s lives.

Q. So wouldn’t opening marriage to same-sex couples mean more people benefit from marriage?

A. Just the opposite. Marriage is more than an emotional, committed relationship. It is the permanent union of the two complementary parts of humanity who complete each other in their differences. This is why marriage provides good things for adults and children, which same-sex relationships, by definition, cannot provide.

The ultimate result of expanding the definition of marriage is that marriage would mean everything—and nothing. The goal of most influential gay leaders who are spearheading this movement is not to broaden the benefits of marriage, but to strip it of any meaning. They see redefining marriage in this way as the first step toward abolishing marriage and the family altogether thus eliminating the benefits of marriage for everyone.

Q. But isn’t same-sex marriage all that is being argued for?

A. Yes, gay marriage is viewed by many as a civil right. But, if such a right is established, then on what basis can marriage be denied to any coupling or group? In a remarkably sobering article in The Weekly Standard writer Stanley Kurtz explains that polygamy is getting more widespread endorsement than ever before, with friendly commentary in several major newspapers recently. Kurtz predicts the ACLU will soon rise as its foremost defender.

And it won’t stop there. Kurtz reports further on the coming popularity of something called polyamory, which is a $10 word for group marriage. Already polyamory is on the cutting edge in family law, and is promoted by professors at some of our nation’s leading universities. Kurtz explains that this “group marriage” movement is marching down the same trail blazed by the same-sex proponents.

For all the other problems this will cause, government and industry would be forced to provide health and legal benefits for any grouping of people who declare themselves to be “married” under these laws, or more likely, court decisions. Could your business afford health-care benefits for 5 or 9 people in a group marriage? In fact, in this brave new world, what would keep two heterosexual single moms—or even six of them—from “marrying” simply so they can receive family health, tax and social security benefits together? The increased cost to business and government would be crippling.


Marriage is not just a private affair. Every marriage is a public virtue in that it responsibly regulates human sexuality, brings the two parts of humanity together in a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship and it delivers mothers and fathers to children. Society benefits from the well-being of marriage; nearly every dollar spent by our government on social welfare is in reaction to a marriage breaking down or failing to form. Good things happen when we honor what marriage is. Bad things happen when we try to change it.

Ultimately and inevitably, the future and the health of humanity rests upon the health and future of marriage.

See how same-sex marriage is harmful to children .

My Interests

Preserving traditional, one man, one woman marriage in the United States

Useful Links:

The God-ordained institution of marriage is under attack in courts across the nation, and your help is needed to save it before the one man-one woman definition of marriage is completely and radically redefined. Homosexual marriage will soon be a reality if you fail to get involved! Go to and sign the petition supporting the Marriage Protection Amendment. --The Alliance for Marriage (AFM) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit research and education organization dedicated to promoting marriage and addressing the epidemic of fatherless families in the United States. AFM exists to educate the public, the media, elected officials, and civil society leaders on the benefits of marriage for children, adults and society. AFM also exists to promote reforms designed to strengthen the institution of marriage and restore a culture of married fatherhood in American society. --The mission of United Families International's Defend Marriage project is to help protect the institutions of traditional marriage and the natural family from the growing threats they face today. We carry out our mission primarily through educating the public, policy makers and the media about these threats and the serious negative impacts they are having on our nation. We also conduct legal research, help shape public opinion on these issues and support policies and legislation that will strengthen marriage and the family. is a joint effort by the growing coalition of Americans and their various organizations that support the preservation of marriage as a union of one man and one woman. A number of the pro-marriage organizations listed as “For DOMA” have contributed information to this website.

We have created DOMA Watch because of escalating efforts to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples. There have been approximately 68 lawsuits over the issue of same-sex “marriage” since the first cases were filed in about 1971. Only 10 of those lawsuits were filed in the 25-year period from 1971 to 1996 before the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Romer v. Evans, which struck down Colorado’s constitutional amendment banning laws specifically protecting sexual orientation. Fifty or more lawsuits have been filed since the Supreme Court’s sodomy decision in Lawrence v. Texas on June 26, 2003.

Of the 30 cases that have been decided to date, seven courts have ruled that there is a right to same-sex “marriage.” Two of those decisions have been overturned by constitutional amendment (Hawaii and Alaska), four are stayed pending State Supreme Court review (two in Washington, one in California, and one in New York), and Massachusetts now issues marriage licenses to same-sex couples. There were eight cases pending in Florida, which have now all been dismissed. One of the most troubling developments over the past two years is the judicial perspective on same-sex “marriage.” Many of the judges that reject constitutional claims express their personal support for redefining marriage, albeit through the democratic process. This trend points to the ultimate need for a federal solution through a marriage amendment.

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Traditional marriage is under attack in California, and the Church is taking action. A successful petition drive — with 1 million signatures — would let voters decide whether to amend the constitution to protect marriage as between one man and one woman.

If you live in California, visit to get a copy of the petition.

Florida --I want to thank so many of you who have worked hard and or supported the Florida Marriage Protection Amendment petition collection process. This year we have received thousands upon thousands of new petitions into our headquarters but we are not quite there yet. The exact goal is 611,009 valid petitions and we are not yet finished until it is official in Tallahassee.

Illinois --Illinois needs a constitutional amendment to protect marriage in Illinois. Our goal, of course, is to collect more than the needed 270,000 petition signatures by April 21, 2008.

Massachusetts --the campaign to allow voters to decide on the definition of marriage in Massachusetts -- collected a record-breaking 170,000 signatures, the greatest number ever in Massachusetts history. This remarkable and historic response clearly shouted, "Let the People Vote!" Our volunteer grassroots army includes more than 1,200 diverse houses of worship and thousands of volunteers in virtually every city and town in the Commonwealth.

Having collected nearly three times the required signatures needed for certification by the Secretary of State, the Protection of Marriage Amendment moved to a vote by the Massachusetts Legislature. A joint session of both the House and Senate met on January 2, 2007 and voted 62-134 to pass the Amendment, moving the process forward.

read more

Minnesota --We are working as part of a coalition of organizations to collect over 100,000 signatures from Minnesotans who support a constitutional amendment defining marriage exclusively as the union of one man and one woman. Add your name to the growing list of supporters that are seeking to protect the traditional definition of marriage.

Pennsylvania --The institution of marriage is under attack and the time has come for Pennsylvanians to take action. 27 states have amended their constitutions to protect marriage, but Pennsylvania is at risk! Pennsylvanians need to amend our State Constitution to protect marriage between one man and one woman from re-definition or legalized "civil unions." But we need your help!

Candidates' Positions

Unfortunately, our presidential candidates are not strong defenders of traditional marriage. However, their degrees of support (or lack thereof) vary.

As congressmen, all three candidates voted AGAINST the Federal Marriage Protection Amendment nationally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman.
Sen. John McCain Sen. Hillary Clinton Sen. Barack Obama
Senator McCain supports traditional marriage and is opposed to same-sex “marriage.” He voted FOR the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. This act defines marriage federally as "only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife." This act also protects states from having to recognize same-sex unions performed in other states. However, he believes, as the Constitution states, that marriage is a states issue. Therefore, he voted AGAINST the Federal Marriage Protection Amendment. In response to his vote, he said that a federal marriage amendment "usurps from the states a fundamental authority they have always possessed and imposes a federal remedy for a problem that most states do not believe confronts them."

Senator Clinton's response to the question,
What is at the heart of your opposition to same-sex marriage?
"Well, I prefer to think of it as being very positive about civil unions. You know, it's a personal position. How we get to full equality is the debate we're having, & I am absolutely in favor of civil unions with full equality of benefits, rights, and privileges. I want to proceed with equalizing federal benefits.
And I've also been a very strong supporter of letting the states maintain their jurisdiction over marriage. I want to repeal Section 3 of DOMA, which stands in the way of the extension of benefits to people in committed, same-sex relationships. I will be very strongly in favor of doing that as president.
I don't know that we could have defeated the Federal Marriage Amendment if we had not had DOMA. I mean, that is something that, you know, has provided a great protection against what was clearly the Republican strategy, to just cynically use marriage as a political tool."

Senator Obama's website states:
"As your President, I will use the bully pulpit to urge states to treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws. I personally believe that civil unions represent the best way to secure that equal treatment. But I also believe that the federal government should not stand in the way of states that want to decide on their own how best to pursue equality for gay and lesbian couples — whether that means a domestic partnership, a civil union, or a civil marriage. Unlike Senator Clinton, I support the complete repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) – a position I have held since before arriving in the U.S. Senate. While some say we should repeal only part of the law, I believe we should get rid of that statute altogether. Federal law should not discriminate in any way against gay and lesbian couples, which is precisely what DOMA does. I have also called for us to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and I have worked to improve the Uniting American Families Act so we can afford same-sex couples the same rights and obligations as married couples in our immigration system."

I'd like to meet:

Supporters of traditional one man, one woman marriage.

By the way, if you are married, I would love to add your wedding picture to this page's photo album. Just send me a link to your photo, plus tell me your wedding date.

My Blog

When Homosexual Rights and Religious Liberties Clash

When Gay Rights and Religious Liberties Clash by Barbara Bradley Hagerty, June 13, 2008 · In recent years, some states have passed laws giving residents the right to same-sex unions in various...
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Same-sex marriage and polygamist cults

WorldNetDaily Exclusive Commentary Posted: June 06, 20081:00 am Eastern By Stephen Baskerville© 2008  What does the California Supreme Court decision on same-sex "marriage" have to do with the s...
Posted by Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 06:31:00 PST

Marriage Supporters Unite

Part of my reason for starting this page was to provide an educational tool for those who oppose same-sex marriage, but need a little more info to be able to present their case to others. The other re...
Posted by Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 11:04:00 PST

Defending Marriage: Answering the Tough Questions--by Glenn T. Stanton

Defending Marriage: Answering the Tough Questions Helpful, debate-tested soundbites for defenders of natural marriage and the Glenn T. Stanton The Public Purpose of Marriage& A collection ...
Posted by Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman on Thu, 24 May 2007 04:48:00 PST

Defending Marriage: Debate-Tested Sound Bites--by Glenn T. Stanton

Defending Marriage: Debate-Tested Sound Bitesby Glenn T. Stanton Helpful, debate-tested sound bites for defenders of natural marriage and the family. Here is a collection of lines and arguments that...
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Gay Marriage: Why Would It Affect Me?

Gay Marriage: Why Would It Affect Me? Ten Arguments Against Same Sex Marriage(This is a synopsis of the new book by Dr. James Dobson, Marriage Under Fire.) Argument #1.The implications for children i...
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Orthodox [Jewish] Response to Same-Sex Marriage

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Gay Marriage: Islamic View

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Posted by Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman on Tue, 15 May 2007 03:43:00 PST

Talking Points on Marriage--By Robert H. Knight

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Christian View--Why is same-sex marriage wrong? Part 2 of 2

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