Carolina Panther Football;Golf with DAD;Jessica and Daddy/Daughter time;Loving my Best friend; Daydreaming...
Sinatra;Micheal Buble;Tony Bennet;Josh Groben;Toby Keith;Sarah Evans;Enigma;Johnny Lee Hooker;Nat King Cole;Phyliss Hyman;Matt Dusk...
Die Hard;Top Gun;Somethings Gotta Give;Bond;Yankee Doodle;Sergent York;Royal Wedding;Milk Money;The Quiet Man;Joe Black;Rudy;Thomas Crown Affair...
Grey's Anatomy; Fox News; Two and a Half Men; Glen Beck; TCM; Boston Legal; HGTV; Life; House...
Don't read a lot of Books, enjoy periodicals...Business, The Week magazine
My Dad, for loving and caring for my Mom(4/30/37-5/12/05) for 48 years...17 of which she was in a wheelchair; My Daughter for continuing to make great choices; The Brave Men and Women of our Armed Forces for giving me this Freedom!
A tribute to our troops in Iraq