Thought and life, and vice versa. I like the following video, entitled "The Clearest Insecurity," provided by "therealdustyx". I share the "interest" in life expressed by this video.
Pretty much anyone, when I have the time. There are certain people, however, I would like to meet in an "other" world, if such a world were to exist.
Completely Eclectic, depending on my mood.
High Noon and Tobacco Road. I also like Dada film productions, but with a lyrical element, as the following one by Kevin D. Smith:
Completely Eclectic.
Interesting books that I haven't read. A chip implant might help in this department, especially a multi-lingual one.This is an interesting, on-line, book-in-progress:
The lowly Potato when it appears as an Aristocrat in so many interesting dishes.