9000lbtelevision profile picture


sci fi noise experimental ambient band

About Me

they gave up abducting aliens only to be experimented on by secret government agencies, their souls were extracted and replaced by new experimental DNA and released back into society. consumed by programming, consumed by program. fighting the program .... fight the focus of the individuals creating the audio assault purpose in being is to go against the programed form of music and sound that has been suitable for public consumption by corporations and their elite taste for their programming goals...these alchemical sound scapes are created with synthesizers , turntables , mixers , tibetan bowls , recorded sounds , with some alien technology. all for the purpose of deprogramming............................................... .................................................roman zelgatas : voice, synth , turntable, holy instruments , recorded oddities.....................................nic desantis : synth , effects , recorded sound ,silicongigahurts......................................... brain done tussin : vox , synth , bass , mud...........our sound varies from one extreme to another so check out all tracks posted you may hear something you did not expect from this project. I have been experimenting with anything thats noisy and spoken word put together with a maelstrom of noise and improvisational playing. the other side of the spectrum is the soundscapes (scrapes) these involve a build up of ambience melted with recorded sounds and much improvised manipulation. enjoy.. roman

My Interests


Member Since: 5/7/2007
Band Members: Roman Zelgatas , often with , Nic Desantis , Brain done tussin (nuTchiLD) other guest noise makers & poets
Influences: Throbbing Gristle , Skinny Puppy , Download , SPK, aliensexfiend
Sounds Like: Aliens invading your skull, or maybe the sound of bulldozers pushing the future of humanity kicking, screaming and being melted with lasers into the abyss, other bands we might sound like are: phon, download , throbbing gristle , autechre , SPK, convertor
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

well hello boys & girls

life has difficult at best lately...will work on new recordings to mush into this matrix.in the mean time, i will be reading comics, staying unsober, enjoying the companies of uber hotness' , using c...
Posted by 9000lbtelevision on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 06:02:00 PST

space reich...?

the space station is now visible from earth as the 3rd brightest object in sky when it passes overhead.... what is up there?........tons and tons of garbage and old spy satellites, dead animals ,dogs,...
Posted by 9000lbtelevision on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 07:15:00 PST

skunkwerk in texas

update!! our Gov. has been on the leading edge of anomaly design for over half a century. pilotless high speed craft, along with sub-orbitals.these crafts have many purposes.Xplanes....... superson...
Posted by 9000lbtelevision on Thu, 24 Jan 2008 09:10:00 PST

new year predictions

I have realized our year is ending and the next solar cycle is upon us.. so a few pointless predictions.....OJ found innocent?atlantis discovered (again) America attacks Iran whom attacks israel.Ang...
Posted by 9000lbtelevision on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 04:43:00 PST

cia noise war

a refresh on MkUltRA for those that know, a rabbit hole for those that dont.the united states is obviously infected by some mind altering techniques developedby the NaZis later absorbed by the CIa. Fr...
Posted by 9000lbtelevision on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 08:07:00 PST

like my vids?

let us enjoy the power image repeaters of photon memory data at this moment.and sigh, as we realize the significance of the human eye and stomach relation.our stomachs digest the world we record to th...
Posted by 9000lbtelevision on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 09:37:00 PST

almost to galactic center

row row row your earth around the mega black hole every 13000 years,merrily merrily we align gamma rays burst, photons rain,humans unite use their brain or life will not exist.more seriously we are ap...
Posted by 9000lbtelevision on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:02:00 PST

barter time

i am going to put my artwork and music for 'trade' on tribecheck it, and you can put your music and art up for trade as well.. we got to change the economy for the people, not from the banks..just put...
Posted by 9000lbtelevision on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 08:40:00 PST

orgy in an hourglass

this is my life.........oversexed morphing astral demon in a worm hole jumping time space bubble.is that a run on sentence?i see the sand falling up and down dimensions and gravity aside.i never want ...
Posted by 9000lbtelevision on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 01:44:00 PST


rip out your problamatic brain stem and eat puffer fish while sipping a wormwood cocktail .this will put an end to this madness.take time to enjoy the thud of lifeless routine cycles in our pleasant w...
Posted by 9000lbtelevision on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 11:59:00 PST