Scarlett Letter profile picture

Scarlett Letter

A woman of Extremes...

About Me

Not your normal (fill in the blank).... Dancing my life away every chance I get. This includes currently: Burlesque at the 3 of Clubs, Rocky Horror with Wild and Untamed Things (WUT), and miscellaneous go-go and pole-go around the greater Los Angeles Metropolitan area.
I sew till my fingers bleed, and read till my eyes pop. The music never stops and my hair hasn't given me whip-lash yet. Just give me the word and I am good to go...

Every Monday at Attention Whore Burlesque presents "The Monday Night Tease" Visit Burlesque411 for more info

You're a Shot of Whiskey!

What Type of Alcoholic Beverage Are You?
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You are Waldorf and Statler!

"This is a very moving moment" "Yeah, I wish they'd move it to Pittsburgh!"
Take the The Muppets Personality Test - Which Muppet are you?

My Interests

Dancing, reading, the pursuit of knowledge, music ...

You Are The School Teacher

Who's Your Inner 1950's Pin Up Girl? (PICS!)
brought to you by Quizilla

I'd like to meet:

People with artistic ideas and dreams that I can help make happen...

This profile was edited with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.4


The list is way too long for this page. lately in the CD player...Carmen, The Cruxshadows, Black47, Garbage, the Harry James Orchestra with Frank Sinatra, The Epoxies and The Damned


If it's old, or it sings, I probably like it. Still obsessing over Silk Stockings and Carmen Jones...


M*A*S*H*, Dobie Gillis, Bewitched (the old Darren), ...


Cosntantly surrounded by many large bookcases that are all double stacked, I wouldn't even know where to begin, but I'm always game for a good detective novel or an alternative history or sci-fi story.


Marlene Dietrich, Tuesday Weld, Ann-Margret, Juliet Prouse, Shirley MacLaine, Alla Nazimova, Leslie Caron.... Mayakovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Balanchine, Orson Welles... Edith Head...

My Blog

Color issues

all right, this is my first sewing blog, and hopefully many will follow.1st up - this little dress and bolero that I made for Tiki Oasis 7. I co-bartended the Cult of the Eye Room and was in charge of...
Posted by Scarlett Letter on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 12:56:00 PST

that Craziness that I don't get

Don't forget the craziness that seems to pop up for 4-20.UFO entertainment will be presenting "Up In Smoke" with live shadowcast on Friday April 20th at Midnight.  Go to ...
Posted by Scarlett Letter on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 02:19:00 PST


Amy, Kristine, Scarlett and BeyondTake my quiz!Take This Quiz | See Scores | Make Own Quiz...
Posted by Scarlett Letter on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 11:47:00 PST