Snowhite profile picture


All art is at once surface and symbol

About Me

Oscar Wilde once said: "It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors."I would like to sincerely thank everyone who has visited my page and given me such overwhelming support and encourgement. It is deeply appreciated. It gives me joy to know that the music which speaks to my heart also speaks to yours, that it mirrors something in you as it does in me. This is the true beauty of music.I am now beginning the creation of my first album. It will be a musical exploration of the deepest reaches of beauty and darkness. The angel lies in bed with the devil. Daylight fades to night, until dawn breaks again. Virtue is consumed by evil, but with this fall from grace comes the possibility of redemption. The blurring of black and white creates infinite shades of grey.Snow White is pure, innocent, untouched. A blank canvas. But what happens when this innocence is lost? Like Eve before her, Snow White consumed the apple of temptation and paid the price. The place between this world and the next, the tragedies and triumphs that exist within each human existence, these will be the essence of my journey.Snow White is music for stories told in the real world or the secret stories you keep inside your head. It is your mirror, as it is mine.
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My Interests


Member Since: 5/3/2007
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members: Who am I? Film composer and newly born solo artist with the conviction that there is a unique way to combine the two so that they interact and evolve with each other in intriguing and unexpected ways. Experimenting with Celtic, Indian and Middle Eastern traditions, exploring their relationships to each other and to western symphonic and popular music. Finally realising I must use the voice I have been given to express the essence of myself with complete certainty and sincerity.
Influences: Music: Arkarna, Arvo Part, Bernard Hermann, Beth Orton, Bjork, Brian Eno, Brooke Fraser, Carter Burwell, Cat Power, Claude Debussy, Cocteau Twins, The Corrs, Craig Armstrong, David Gray, Dead Can Dance, Dido, DJ Shadow, Ennio Morricone, Enya, Eric Satie, Evanescence, Fiona Apple, Frederick Chopin, Garbage, Gorecki, Igor Stravinsky, India Arie, Jimmy Webb, John Brion, Lamb, Lisa Gerrard, Loreena McKennitt, Massive Attack, Maurice Ravel, Miranda Sex Garden, Muse, Nine Inch Nails, Oasis, Peter Gabriel, PJ Harvey, Portishead, Radiohead, Sarah McLachlan, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Sia, Silverchair, Snow Patrol, Tchaikovsky, Thomas Newman, Tool, Tori Amos, Unkle, Yann Tiersen................................Cinema: Adaptation, An American in Paris, As It Is in Heaven, Bad Boy Bubby, La Belle et La Bete (Jean Cocteau), The Blood of a Poet (Jean Cocteau), Capote, Casablanca, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Cinema Paradiso, Dancer In The Dark, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Eyes Without A Face, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Gone With The Wind, Life is Beautiful, The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Magdalene Sisters, Magnolia, Moulin Rouge, My Fair Lady, Orpheus (Jean Cocteau), Pandora's Box (GW Pabst), Picnic at Hanging Rock, Punch Drunk Love, Romeo & Juliet (Baz Luhrmann), Singing In The Rain, The Sound of Music, Testament of Orpheus (Jean Cocteau), Threepenny Opera (GW Pabst), The Wizard of Oz (both versions)..........................................Books: Oscar Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray", GK Chesterton "The Man Who Was Thursday", Lewis Carroll "Through The Looking Glass" & "Alice in Wonderland", Irene Nemirovsky "Suites Francaise", Jean-Paul Sartre "Being and Nothingness", Leo Tolstoy "Anna Karenina", Enid Blyton "The Faraway Tree Stories", Jean Cocteau "Diary of a Film"............................................Paintings: Claude Monet...........................................Other Things: Cirque du Soleil, Carnivale (HBO), Impressionism, Romanticism, Gothic architecture, the plays of Shakespeare
Type of Label: None