quiet loner profile picture

quiet loner

Counting the days down

About Me

Quiet loner sings songs about love, infidelity, suicide, attempted murder, capital punishment, the database state, terrorism, religion, war, fallen angels, the secret rulers of the world and the redemptive power of country music.
Quiet loner's debut album “secret ruler of the world” was released to widespread acclaim in summer 2004. Acclaimed by critics for being a distinctly British take on alternative country. spending two months as the number one album on Maverick magazine’s Americana album chart and ending the year being voted best album of 2004 by the readers of americana-uk.com.
Quiet loner is hinged around singer-songwriter Matt Hill, often accompanied by the remarkable pedal steel guitar playing of Alan Cook. As a solo, duo or band Quiet loner have shared stages with many great performers opening for acts like Lambchop, Joe Pernice, Josh Rouse, Chris Mills, Richard Buckner, Neko Case, Jackie Leven, Peter Bruntnell and Neal Casal.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/2/2007
Band Website: quietloner.com
Sounds Like:
“poised between light and dark, like the sweet sting of velvet nettles –three stars” Uncut
“Secret Ruler of The Word is a real find. Deserves to take pride of place in anyone's Best Of lists at the end of the year, it simply is that good.” Comes with a smile
“echoes disparate bedfellows such as Gram parsons and Elvis Costello - four stars” Classic Rock magazine
“It's not an overstatement to say it's up there with Ryan Adams' "Heartbreaker". Believe me, you need to hear this album.” Whisperinandhollerin
“If heartbreak has ever before been melded into such an intriguing, downright splendid attraction then I’d be at pains to believe it, for this is an absolute treasure of originality.” Logo magazine
“Eleven songs that we guarantee will strike you dumb. As sweetly stinging as you could ever imagine an album could be.” Losing Today
“a real talent for songwriting plus some wonderful darker moments that you can't help but fall in love with - Manchester's answer to Gram Parsons” Maverick magazine
“Hill’s sound and lyrical twists encompass everyone from Jay Farrar to Morrissey - it’s country music with a dark, foreboding, sardonic heart but with glimmers of optimistic passion. Real enough to feel laden with an integrity that endures repeated listens.” Americana-uk
Record Label: Circus 65
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Feb 08 : New Quiet Loner songwriting collaboration

Steve Roberts is one of my favourite songwriters and he rather insanely has set himself the task of writing a song a week for the whole of 2008. With this in mind, we have co-written some songs. Or ra...
Posted by quiet loner on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 03:05:00 PST

Caved in.

So here I am. On Myspace. I held out as long as possible. But eventually I got worn down from having to answer "why don't you have a My space". So here I am. I was like this with CDs and Mobile Phones...
Posted by quiet loner on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 03:29:00 PST