Thought i'd throw some of my material on the net, so people out there could have a listen & perhaps be influenced as i have been by others musical creativity.
Its a solo project of mine that i have been working on over the years,
on the side from bands i have been part of:- Mungrel, Habitual Asbestos, Carnage, Psi.Kore & presently
Here.The.Dead , &
Sons.Of.Mungrel , check it out if you get a chance.
If programmed beats like the sounds on this page aint your thing, and you'ld rather hear a real drummer, then just click on the Here.The.Dead link above.
We've always got some 1/2 decent live jams there to listen too..
Here is a clip form the Psi.Kore days..
The song is called Below & its off the Manifest Lp.
It took place on a Sydney harbour cruise, port jackson, in mid 1998,
supporting a queensland band "Killengod".
Just remember to stop the mp3's playing first
As the buggers are on autoplay
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Bass - Lex (Now with
Here.the.Dead )
Guitars - Andy
Drums - Matt (Now with
Inslain )
Guitars/Vocals - Chuck.
Just thought i'd throw that clip on the page,
As it beats listening to mp3's all the time..
So yeah,
Just some drum samples & a software program to help create the beats.
Bass tracks & guitar tracks by myself, with the odd splash of vocals here & there.
Thats about all there is to it people.
Oh yeah,
& a special hello to all the armenian musos & artists out there, as well as all the people i still associate with from the 90's sydney metal scene.
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