What the fuck???
"The Bloodline Propaganda"is born by an idea of 3 well-known motherfuckers of italian metal scene on september 2006: Max B! on guitars (folder,hybris,first guitar player of addiction crew),Andrea Zanetti on bass (iconoclast,schizo,addiction crew) and Ale Alberani on drums (addiction crew)...after a little slice of time Yuri Bianchi (hybris,electrocution) left addiction crew and joined the band as screamer...THE BIG MONSTER WAS READY. Four months of hard working later the band was ready to record a 2 trax promo to spread the name around...job was made at the FEAR STUDIO by the famous italian producer GABRY RAVAGLIA on only 3 days of january 2007.
On april 2007 Maurone (also in the hardcore band LIVELLO ZERO) joined the band as second guitarist and tbp recorded 2 more songs (BLOODLINE, KILLING PAIN ANTHEM) again in the FEAR STUDIO.
On this page u can listen the four trax and have a personal idea of what the bloodline propaganda is 'bout...we've tried to do our best and to record the most violent but emotional music we could at the time...NO COMMERCIAL SONGS OR POP MELODIES HERE....ONLY FISTS ON YOUR FACE!!!!!
By december 2007 Marty (HAPAX, BLOOD STORE & many others) is the new second guitarist in spite of the fact that Max b! left the band for personal reasons (but the friendship is still alive).
Today we are working on new material for our debut album, looking for some live shows and, why not???, hoping in a good record deal.
Thanx for your time and stay tuned.
[email protected]
[email protected]@gmail.com
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