Futebol, Mulher, Churrasco, Mulher, Putaria, Mulher, us rock da paiz, Mulher...jah falei muié????
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Ramones, Clash, Misfits, Lärm, WxHxN?, Limp Wrist, TSOL, R.D.P, Napalm Deth, Slayer, Carcass, Bad Brains, At The Drive In, Black Flag, Cannibal Corpse, Real Reggae, Contra Cultura, FOMI, La Revancha, Mukeka di Rato, Hutt, XABRAVANELx, Satanaiz, I SHot Cyrus, xCONFRONTOx, Hutt, Diarréia Brutal,Infernal Nöise Desvairados, Lástima, Halé, Subtera, Sepultura, Claustrofobia,....and my band....hehehehehe... Mussum - The FastPowerviolence from Mangueira!!! www.fotolog.net/mussum
... Charles Bronson is GOD!!!!!!!!!
no tv please!!!
The Books on the table????