Hello Mr. George W., how are you?As you rule the world, explain the rest of the mortals that Merda is a noizy brazilian band, coming from the city of Vila Velha (EspÃrito Santo). Merda has in its line-up two legends of favela-grindcore, these are Mozi (guitar/vocals) and Poli (drums/vocals), from the band Mukeka Di Rato, along with Japa (bass/vocals) a young asian who makes a living by selling crack to tourists in Rio de Janeiro, begging for money at the airport, illegally exporting wood from the Amazonian Forest, and selling exotic brazilian animals. All done with love and care, naturally. Since 2001 Merda has recorded a lot of stuff, like "Curticao dos Jovens", their first full-lenght and the 4-way-split "Drunk Fools X True Till Death", which brings Jäzzus, the Evil Idols and I Shot Cyrus besides them. Merda has also recorded some split CDs, one of them with the Americans from Hellnation and another with the Japanese from Fuck On The Beach. Besides that, theyre in All Punks Spending Drunk Night, a compilation released in the USA by Distort Ohio, a label owned by Doug from Hellnation. It it, besides Merda, there are bands from the USA, Japan, Sweden and Finland. Merda has learned from you that torturing people is a good thing, so they released "Minha Linda Colecao de EPs do Conjunto de Musica Rock Merda", with everything that was ever released by them on EPs and split CDs, plus, a version to a classic taken from Leo Canhoto & Robertinho a brazilian country music duo that you should listen to. Their most recent release is Carlos, whose mascot on the cover we have now learned that a british band stole from them. Oh, Mr. George, how about dropping some bombs on them? We know that you like it. Right now, Merda is planning an LP ("Tenho Pena dos Insetos que me Picam") and two split CDs, one of them with B.U.S.H. (some name, huh Mr. George?!), another brazilian band, but from Sao Paulo (SP).
Between us, Mr. George, you and Merda have a lot in common, specially the ambition to rule the world... only they prefer to use crappy chords, horrible yelling, ironic lyrics, ergo, fast and dirty music!See you around Mr. George,Yours truly,Richardson Tibiuverson------------------------------------------------------------
Howdy! My name is Stibiu Harris, and i keep this MySpace for the invalid members of Merda Gospel Band. If you want to send any messages to the assholes in this band, be my guest, but be careful: they're sick! Don't say i didn't warn you! That stupid Mozine can be reached at this address [email protected] and that bastard japanese at this one [email protected]
And Paulista... well, Paulista went surfing and he'll be gone for a long time.-------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------------CLIPE: "ARMAS DE BRINQUEDO" - MERDA
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-----------------------------Pay attention you animals, Merda's third cd, "Carlos", will be released in Singapore... not in a CD or vinyl format, but as an audiocassette! You[th]rust Records is the label that's gonna be releasing it, and if you want any more information about them, check out www.youthrex.ladingsatu.com
or www.myspace.com/youthrustrecords
see you in hell!