Get Your Own! | View SlideshowWe began with the band at the beginning of the 1999, when Daniel (Brazilian) met carolina (Colombian) in Venezuela where she was playing in a local Anarko-punk band, they together came to live in Argentina and decided to start Migra Violenta, a fast sound with compromise lyrics in a DIY way... it was pretty hard because also on those days here it was no bands with that line and also not many people to start to make other new things, then we knew Juan (argentino) he was running a label and a zine, so we got all together with Patricio (uruguay) on drums, just with two months we recorded the demo.
All the songs in general talk about the problems that the young people have in latinoamerica, the absence of horizon, without job, the poverty, all real problems, not taking american posture and not talking about things that we dont live and things not agreed with the life that we have to live like latino people. We make face to subjects like globalization, capitalims, the wars from army and then factorys, the xenophoby inside latinoamerica also, we talk about the escene, etc.....
We had made several tours including many countries of latinamerica and europe. Also have splits with bands like DISARM (IT), KONTRAATTAQUE (US), SICK TERROR (BR)... we play under the Do It Yourself ethics, we love the HC PUNK ...rules..!!!!