OFFSIDE RECORDS profile picture



About Me

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Offside Records est un label DIY. Fondé en Mars 2007. Nous sommes des Vinyl's addicts donc autant fabriquer notre propre drogue. La première sortie du label est une compilation brésilienne au format 7'' avec Bandanos ; Nerds Attacks ; Vingança ; Satanaiz ; Bush et Justiça. Devrait suivre un volet Français en prévision pour l'été 2008.
Offside records is a DIY label. Founded in March 2007. We are vinyl's addicts so it's better to make our own dope ourself. Our first release will be a Brazilain HxC Thrash compilation in 7''. Bandanos ; Vingança ; Nerds Attack! ; Satanaiz ; BUSH and Justiça will be on it. A French comp will follow ; perhaps in summer 2008.
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Acheter V/A Thrash Attack en France :
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buy with Postage to Europe
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Buy with world postagethis is the limited cover ; green vinyl edition limited to 111 ex
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Acheter les 2 versions avec le port pour la France :
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Buy both versions with postage in Europe
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Buy both versions with world postage :
distro write us directly at: [email protected]
See ya in the circle Pit.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/14/2007
Band Website: It's here
Band Members: Offsidealex / Erixxxvp / XXX Cyril XXX
Influences: Old school hardcore in generalBands like Suicidal Tendencies ; Minor Threat ; Excel ; Negative FX ; Negative Approach ; SOA ; Sick Of It All ; Direct Control ; Municipal Waste ; Holier Than Thou ; What Happens Next? ; Drop Dead ; Poison Idea ; Los Crudos ; Limp Wrist ; Punch In The Face ; Asta Kak ; Bad Brains ; Gorilla Biscuits ; DRI ; Koro ; Jerry's Kidz ; Slapshot ; Heresy ; Violent Minds ; Cinder ; HHH ; Black Flag ; Negazione ; Youth Of Today ; Strong As Teen ; Lost Boys ; Heimat-los ; Violent Pacification.
Sounds Like:

Record Label: Offside Records Hardcore
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

OR1 - V/A Thrash Attack Do Brazil [Pressing Info]

OR - 1 : V/A Trash Attack Do BrazilRelease date : Avril 2008Test Pressing : 5Regular Version : 525 Black Vinyl ; White labelsLimited Version : 111 Green vinyl ; White lables ...
Posted by OFFSIDE RECORDS on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 02:01:00 PST