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I am here for Networking

About Me

Click on the image below to get
FREE valuable resources for MLM success.
Did you know that the MLM industry standard for making $10,000 a month is to have over 2,500 people in your downline?
That's not extra income from home, that's a full time job!
As a Free Mentor, I work with people who want to earn extra income from home, but don't want to take a lifetime to do it.
What makes Mentoring For Free different from other "MLM Guru Sales Systems", is that we only find MLM companies that are designed to have the distributor win.
I love to help people become financially free! Not just pay for their company's next "executive retreat".
I do that, first, by helping you to understand the Compensation Plans and the Policies and Procedures of the MLM company you are interested in.
And then I help you find a company that will actually meet your financial goals, without having to create an enormous downline.
Some of these other "MLM Gurus" might be good....
That's because they have to be!
They have to sell 7-10 times more than I do to make the same amount of money.
Here are some free resources.
Take some action if you want to know how to identify an MLM business plan that will work for you:

Download a free e-book that will show you how to achieve your goals in 10 easy steps.
Here is a free recorded call that outlines the 5 Pillars, and the reasons why you don't want to be involved in a business that isn't built on them.
Discover the secret behind successful MLM distributors VS successful MLM companies. Get access to the tool that will enable you to copy other distributor's success.

My Interests

Coaching and Mentoring for Free. Reading and writing. Cooking for family and friends and hanging out on a Sunday afternoon.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet anyone who wants to build a successful business from their own home. I am an expert at finding businesses that work. If you want me to review your Compensation Plan and your Policies and Procedures, just message me.


Mostly mellow acoustical stuff. Ray LaMontagne, Nick Drake, James Blunt, Elliot Smith, Damian Rice.


Spartan, The In-laws (the original). Old "spaghetti westerns" and old samurai movies.


The Unit, Scrubs, Family Guy, Simpsons, Deadwood


Too many to mention, I read about a book a week (mostly business related).


Miyamoto Musashi


My Blog

Is Your Loyalty Misplaced?

In the course of working with Mentoring for Free I talk to a lot of Network Marketers. I help them to read and understand their Compensation Plans and their Policies and Procedures. (Some of whic...
Posted by Josh on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 08:59:00 PST

What does a "business that works" look like?

First of all, I have to be clear about something.   The five pillars business model is not what your company needs to succeed; it's what YOU need to succeed as a distributor.   The reason ...
Posted by Josh on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 10:18:00 PST

Friends VS Committed Listeners

One day I was having a conversation with one of my mentors, a great man, who has devoted his life to a purpose even greater than himself. He lives every moment intentionally, directed towards this pur...
Posted by Josh on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 07:44:00 PST

Do What You Love To Do

I've heard it over and over again, "do what you love to do, what you are passionate about, and the money will follow". I heard it, but honestly, I never believed it. I always thought, "there has to b...
Posted by Josh on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 08:02:00 PST

Step 10: Giving Back

Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which it's possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community. -Andrew Carnegie- I saved Giving Back for the last step, but really it shoul...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 09:23:00 PST

Step 7: Long Term Investments

If you follow these steps, you will create new streams of residual and passive income through network marketing, affiliate websites, and other internet based businesses. These new streams can (and wi...
Posted by Josh on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:58:00 PST

Step 6: Systems to Manage New Income Streams

Once you have created new income streams (see Step 5 Parts 1 & 2), you will want to put automated systems in place to manage those streams. Why? Because residual or passive income streams are des...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 08:00:00 PST

Step 5: Invest in Additional Streams of Income (Part 2)

I already talked about the difference between residual income and passive income in Part 1 of this blog. If you need a refresher, you can look there. Right now, I want to talk about the second income ...
Posted by Josh on Fri, 25 May 2007 11:16:00 PST

Step 5: Invest in Additional Income Streams (Part 1)

Ok. You have taken responsbility for your current financial situation, set goals. identified and cleared your blocks, and begun to pay yourself first. So what do you do with the money you are pay...
Posted by Josh on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:57:00 PST

Step 4: Pay Yourself First

"A portion of all you earn is yours to keep. 'But all I earn is mine to keep,' you might reply. If that's true, then why do you have so little of it left? The truth is- you give your money away ever...
Posted by Josh on Thu, 24 May 2007 08:19:00 PST