Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation profile picture

Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation


About Me

New issue out now!

Join the VVF

“Vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters and tend to live longer. No argument, no debate, the science is overwhelming, although vested interests have done their best to obscure it. The VVF counters self-interest with sound science so our children have the chance of a healthy future.”
Juliet Gellatley, Founder and Director, Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation

Why the VVF?

Heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, cancer – modern diseases are destroying the lives of millions of people and diet is one of the primary causes. And yet the worst diets are had by children – whose eating habits are a national disgrace. They are developing illnesses previously seen only in adults and many are likely to die before their parents. They are eating themselves into an early grave and animal products carry much of the blame. Factory farming has cut the cost of the most damaging foods and causes untold cruelty to millions of animals! It is also killing us and our children. The Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation (VVF) is not afraid to shout this allegation out loud and to promote the answer – a plant-based diet. It is a lonesome voice but a vitally important one – and it needs your support.

How does the VVF Charity Work?

    Saves lives and helps prevent suffering by giving people honest information upon which to make sensible food choices. Challenges myths and misinformation through carefully-researched campaigns.
    Provides important resources on veggie and vegan health and nutrition for the public and health professionals.
    Monitors the latest science on plant-based nutrition and goes public with its findings.
    Increases understanding of how diet affects health.
    Responds to public and professional enquiries on health and nutrition.
    Expands the knowledge of health, medical, nutrition and dietetic professionals.
    Monitors the media and challenges inaccurate reporting.
    Takes the healthy eating message into schools nationwide.
    Exposes the food industry’s false claims and encourages them to produce healthy vegetarian and vegan choices.

VVF Campaigning for Health

The VVF launches dynamic campaigns , produces groundbreaking scientific reports , publishes imaginative guides to help the public’s understanding of health, produces simple fact sheets on complex subjects and regularly publishes the highly-acclaimed Veggiehealth magazine magazine.

Protecting Children’s Health

Junk food, laden with meat and dairy products and too high in animal fat, sugar and salt, has replaced healthy eating for most kids. The result is a dramatic increase in the risk from killer diseases while still young and in later life. The VVF’s scientific report, Safeguarding Children’s Health , spells out just how serious the situation has become and charts a way out of it. Our Veggie Health for Kids guide helps parents to plan healthy vegetarian/vegan meals and safeguard their family’s future.

Facing up to Fish

The VVF has demolished the myth that eating oily fish is healthy by exposing the fact that almost all contain highly-toxic chemicals. We have shown that plant oils are a far healthier option and our Fishing for Facts report and campaign materials chart an important way forward for healthy living. Groundbreaking stuff!

Feelin’ Fat or Slim?

Obesity is spiralling out of control, emerging in even the world’s poorest countries. Currently in England over half of women and two thirds of men are either overweight or obese. With obesity’s contribution to a wealth of diseases – including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure – the stakes are high. The VVF is helping people shake themselves away from the junk food meat and dairy diets that we’re encouraged to eat every day. Our campaign gives people practical guidance and inspiration on how to eat more healthily – for life.

Veggiehealth Magazine
Controversial, colourful and contemporary, Veggiehealth turns dry science into a riveting read. It helps ordinary people and professionals alike to keep abreast of research on diet and health. Veggiehealth is packed full of nutrition news, debunks old myths, monitors media scare stories, peers into politics, comes up with cracking cookery and health tips and reviews the latest research. And it’s free to all VVF supporters.

Join the Revolution…

Vested interests are killing our children with their high-powered marketing, but the VVF is taking them on! It is throwing down a gauntlet to the Government, demanding action. Our message is simple – the way to tackle today’s diseases is through diet. It can transform our future, revolutionise the health service and give prevention the priority it deserves. Few people support factory farming – this way they don’t have to! Join the VVF today and be a part of this unique challenge. You’ll receive Veggiehealth magazine, campaign information and free advice on vegetarian and vegan nutrition.

Feeding you the Facts

By collecting VVF fact sheets on the main health issues, you’ll always be one step ahead. Knowledge is power! Join the VVF and you’ll get five free in a special folder.

18th April 2009 – The Incredible Veggie Show The Royal Horticultural Halls, Lawrence Hall & Conference Centre, Greycoat Street, London SW1P 2QD
For more event info, please see the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation and Viva! websites.

My Interests

Find out why breast cancer cases are rising, now affecting one in nine women and read about the major role of diet. Read more.
Get Heart Healthy!Animation: See how a veggie diet could improve your health.

Thinking of going vegan? Our colourful new guide covers all you need to know about making the change, with information on nutrition, shopping, recipes and advice from Heather herself! Buy it here.
The Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation – or VVF – is a registered charity. It was set up to monitor and to explain the increasing amount of scientific research linking diet to health – providing accurate information on which to make informed choices.
The VVF is a vital – and almost solitary – source of accurate and unbiased information and advice on diet and health. It is free from any commercial or vested interests.
If you are not already a member have you considered joining the VVF? You’ll receive the colourful, easy-to-read Veggiehealth magazine, five fact sheets in a special folder, campaign information, and you’ll be entitled to free advice on vegetarian and vegan nutrition from our nutritionists.
The Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation can help you and your family to start eating healthily – giving everyone the chance of a brighter future.
“The vast majority of diseases that kill most of us before our time in the West can be prevented by consuming an all plant-based diet. There are no nutrients in animal-based foods that are not obtained to better advantage in plant-based foods.”
T. Colin Campbell, Professor of Nutritional Biochemistry

As a VVF supporter you can take advantage of a growing range of fantastic discounts – on health foods to holidays and therapies to trendy footwear and clothing and everything in between - from over 225 veggie-friendly businesses in the UK and beyond. Click here for an up-to-date listing and start saving!

Livestock production is destroying the planet

The most effective action you can take to reduce global warming is to change your diet – move away from meat, dairy and other animal products and go vegan! Click here to find out more about Viva!'s HOT! campaign.
V E G E T A R I A N . O R G . U K

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My Blog

B12 and brain power! VVF sets the record straight

Going vegetarian may shrink your brain.... this sensationalist headline that appeared in some of the national papers this week is typical of how serious research, that could help people, is deliberate...
Posted by Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 01:30:00 PST


Click here to visit our new Veggieextra page.VVF's Julie cook brings you great  finds, freebies and offers&.....
Posted by Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 09:01:00 PST

Is a vegan diet suitable for kids?

Read the VVF's response to recent scare-stories in the press here.Read the VVF's letter 'Balanced vegan diet benefits all children' in the Independent here.Find out every nutrient a child needs and ho...
Posted by Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 05:54:00 PST

Eat veggie and slash your stroke risk

DID you know that adopting a vegetarian diet can help cut the risk of suffering a stroke? Would you like a special talk on the topic to come to your community? This is the vital message being promoted...
Posted by Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation on Tue, 20 May 2008 02:32:00 PST

Free veggie Magic Menu plan

AS part of National Vegetarian Week (May 19-25) leading health charity, the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation has produced a FREE Magic Menu plan  aimed at helping your health and fitness.Read more here....
Posted by Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 09:14:00 PST

Charity backs cancer experts warning on processed meat

THE UK’s premier health charity the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation (VVF) has today backed leading cancer experts’ warnings on eating processed meats.Read more here....
Posted by Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 01:28:00 PST

Get cooking veggie this Spring

ARE you Spring cleaning your kitchen in search of inspiration for some new healthy recipes? Perhaps you’ve been tucking into lots more vegetable-based dishes lately? Or are you becoming veggie c...
Posted by Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 01:24:00 PST

Brits advised to go veggie to improve heart health

The Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation (VVF)  a leading health and nutrition charity championing the benefits of vegetarian and vegan diets  is launching a healthy heart campaign this month.Read more her...
Posted by Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 01:21:00 PST

Health charity celebrates sixth years

BRISTOL based health charity the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation (VVF) which has become a leading voice on diet and health matters, celebrates its sixth anniversary next month (April).Read more here....
Posted by Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 01:16:00 PST

Improving choice for vegetarians and vegans

Viva!’s sister charity  the Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation are campaigning for vital changes to be made across the UK to how institutions and businesses approach vegetarian and vegan foods. To p...
Posted by Vegetarian & Vegan Foundation on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 05:07:00 PST