"Aaron (giraffe); Abilene Zoo; Adventure Safaris; Aged animals, disposal of; Agencies, governmental; Agricultural exemptions for slaughter of animals; AIDS testing & chimpanzees; Akron Zoo; Alamo Tiger Ranch; Amagita Grande Ranch; Amber (giraffe); American Camel Club Association & Registry; American Zoo & Aquarium Association (AZA); Amur leopards; Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture; Animal care & well-being strategies; Animal Exchange; Animal Finder's Guide; Animal Kingdom, Disney's; Animal Kingdom Zoo; Animal People; Animal Planet; Animal Protection Society of Orange County, North Carolina; Animals of Montana, Inc.; Animal-trafficking litigation; Animal Welfare Act; Antlers; Aphrodisiac & bear gall bladder; Armadillo; Ashby Acres Wildlife Park; Asian medicinal market; Auctions, exotic animal; Auerhahn Ranch; Austin Zoo;" "Bali Mynahs; Baltimore Zoo; Bamberger Ranch; Bats; Baylor University; Bear Country U.S.A.; Beardsley Zoological Gardens; Bear Research, Education & Conservation Program (Washington State University); Bears; Bellona Arsenal Farm; Bergen County Zoological Park; Bighorn sheep; Big Velvet Ranch; Birmingham Zoo; Bison; Black-footed ferret; Black leopard; Black Pine Animal Park; Bohn's Ark; Bookcliff Animal Park; Boston University School of Medicine; Bramble Park Zoo; Breeding practices; Bridgeport Nature Center; Bristol-Myers Squibb; Bronx Zoo; Brookfield Zoo; Brucellosis; Buckhorn Flats Game Farm; Buckmasters Whitetail Magazine; Bucknell University; Buckshire Corporation; Buffalo Zoo; Burnet Park Zoo (Syracuse, New York; Busch Gardens; Bushbabies; Bushmaster Reptiles; Butcher Boy Food Products;" "California Regional Primate Research Center; Captive-bred wildlife, laws relative to; Captive Exotic Animal Protection Act of 1995; Captive Wildlife Protection Division (Humane Society); Capuchin monkeys; Castleberry Triple 7; Catskill Game Farm; Cedar Hollow Breeding Center (Ranch); Center for Endangered Cats; Center for Wildlife Law; Centers for Disease Control & Prevention; Central Florida Zoological Park (Lake Monroe, Florida); Chaffee Zoo (Fresno, California); Chimpanzee sanctuaries bill; Chobe (chimpanzee); Choctaw Preserve; Chronic wasting disease; Chulagua Ranch; Cincinnati Zoo; Circle 3 Buffalo Ranch; Cleveland Metroparks Zoo; Cody (tiger); Columbus Zoological Gardens; Conservation & Research Center of National Zoo; Conservation Endowment Fund; Contraceptive implants; Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna & Flora; Cougar; Coulston Foundation; Coyotes; Crab-eating foxes; Cruelty to animals; Cull permits; Dahlonega Five; Dakota Zoo; Dallas Zoo; Dama gazelles; Dawn Animal Agency; DDT; Dealers, animal; Death; DeBrazza's monkey; Deer farmers; Denver Zoological Gardens; Detroit Zoo; Discarded or unwanted exotic animals; Disclosure of information, means for; Discovery Channel; Diseases; Dixie Wildlife Safari; Documentation of animal movements; Donation of animals; Duke University Primate Center; Dusty (macaque);" "Earth island Institute; Ebola virus; Echinococcus multilocularis; Eickman Processing; El Dorado Livestock Auction; Elephant; Elk farming; Endangered Species Act; Endangered Species Propagation, Survival, & Research Center; Environmental Protection Agency; Escaped animals; Ethics Committee of American Zoo & Aquarium Association; European Wild Boar Hunt; Euthanasia; Everglades Wonder Garden; Exhibitor licenses, for pet owners; Exotic-animal lobby; Exotic Feline Rescue Center; Exotic Pets & Zoological Animal Exchange, Inc.; Exotic Resort; Exotic Wildlife Association; Exxon Corporation; Fallow deer; Faunalink; Fauna Research, Inc.; Finser Exotics; "Flagship species"; Flamingo Hilton casino; Florida; Florida Endangered Species Research Association; Foreign Quarantine Regulations; Forest Ranch (Exotics); Fort Worth Zoo; Foxpens; Franklin Park Zoo; Freedom of Information Act; Furry Friends Zoo;" "Gentle Jungle, Inc.; Gibbons; Giraffes; Gizmo (macaque); Gladys Porter Zoo; Glen Oak Zoo; Glen Savage Ranch; Global Wildlife Center; Gorilla Haven; Gorillas; Great Adventure; Greater Baton Rouge Zoo; Greenville Zoo; Grif (giraffe); Grindstone Valley Zoo; Gus (gorilla);" "Haloko (gorilla); Handling & restraining of exotic & wild animals, regulations relative to; Hansen's disease; Hawthorn Corporation; Health certificates; Heartland Wildlife Company; Hemlock Acres Hunting Club; Henry Doorly Zoo (Omaha, Nebraska); Henry Vilas Zoo (Madison, Wisconsin); Hepatitis & chimpanzees; Herpes B virus; Hidden View Farm; Highland Premium Venison; Highwater Farms; Hogle Zoo; Honker (reindeer); Hornocker Wildlife Institute; Hostetler Wildlife Farms; Houston Zoo; Humane Society of the United States; Hunter's Quest; Hunts;" "Illegal exotic animal transactions; Imperfects; Importation of animals into the United States; In Defense of Animals; Indian Creek Ranch; Institute of Greatly Endangered & Rare Species, The (TIGERS); International Animal Exchange; International Llama Association; International Miniature Zebu Association; International Snow Leopard Trust; International Species Information System (ISIS); International Wildlife Park; Irvine Park Zoo;" "Jack Moore Ranch; Jacksonville Zoological Gardens; Jake (cougar); Jerom (chimpanzee); Jojo (vervet monkey); Judicial system; Kansas, record keeping in; Kansas City Zoological Gardens; Keihin Choju Trading Company; King Royal Circus; Knoxville Zoo; Koko (gorilla); Kuja (gorilla);" "Laboratory for Experimental Medicine & Surgery in Primates, New York University (LEMSIP); Lacey Act; Lake Superior Zoo (Duluth); Lamkin Wildlife Company; Laws & protection of exotic species; L Cross Ranch; "Least Dangerous Game, The"; Lee Richardson Zoo (Garden City, Kansas); Lemurs; Licenses; Lincoln Park Zoo (Chicago); Lion Country Safari; Lionel (giraffe); Little Creek Exotics; Little Rock Zoo; Lockmoor Exotics; Lolli (bear); Lolli Brothers Alternative Livestock & Bird Sale; Los Angeles Zoo; Louisville Zoo; Lowry Park Zoo (Tampa, Florida);" "Macaque monkeys; Macon (bear); Major Bill (tiger); Mammoth Cave; Mandara (gorilla); Mangabey monkeys; Mario (chimpanzee); Massachusetts Zoological Corporation; Memphis Zoo; Mesker Park Zoo & Botanic Garden; Miami MetroZoo; Miami Reptiles; Micheal (giraffe); Mid-America Animal Auction; Mikey (chimpanzee); Miller World Zoo; Milwaukee Zoo; Minnesota Zoo; Missouri Buffalo Association; Missouri Primate Foundation; Mocoqua (bear); Monkey Jungle; Monkey's Unlimited; Monkey Wars, The; Montgomery Zoo; Mopie (gorilla); Mule deer; Muntjac deer; Muscovy ducks;" "Nashville Zoo; National Aquarium; National Center for Infectious Diseases; National Geographic, article on tigers; Nation Geographic Explorer series; National Institutes of Health; National Rifle Association; National Wildlife Federation; National Zoo; Nature Conservancy; NBJ Ranch; New England Regional Primate Research Center (NERPRC); Newton's Apple; Nilgai antelope; Noah's Land Wildlife Park; North American Elk Breeders Association; North Carolina Reptile & Exotic Animal Show; Northern Splendor Reindeer Farm; Northland Wildlife;" "Oakhill Center for Rare & Endangered Species; Ohio Association of Animal Owners; Ohio State University Chimpanzee Center, The; Oklahoma Zoo; Orangutans; Oregon Wildlife Foundation; Otter Creek Exotics; Ownership, regulations regarding;" "Palm Beach Zoo at Dreher Park; Parker Creek Ranch; Peen State Deer Research Center; Pere David's deer; Peregrine falcon; Peregrine fund; Personal Pet Council of Florida; Pet-a-Pet; Philadelphia Zoo; Phoenix Zoo; Pigs, feral; Pittsburgh Zoo; Plague; Population control; Prairie dogs; Precious (lemur); Predators in Action; Predators Plus; Premier Parks Inc; Primarily Primates; Primate Care Handbook; Primate Rescue Center; Primates; Primate Supply Information Clearinghouse; Priour Ranch; Property, animals as; Przewalski horse; Public Health Service; Public Health Service Act; Pumpkin (chimpanzee); Purrfect Parakeet;" "Rabies; Racine Zoological Gardens; Raccoon roundworm; Rainforest Relief; Rama (tiger); Rare Animal Survival Center; Red List of Threatened Animals; Red McCombs Wildlife; Regional Primate Research Center (University of Washington); Regulations for treating exotic & wild animals (Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service); Reindeer Owners & Breeders Association; Reptiles; Reston Animal Park; Rhesus monkeys; Ringling Brothers & Barnum & Bailey Circus; Ringo (macaque); Riverbanks Zoological Park & Botanical Gardens; Riverglen Tiger Shelter; Riverside Zoo (Scottsbluff, Nebraska); Roadside zoos; Rocky Mountain Animal Defense; Rodosky Meats; Rolling Valley Exotic Animal Farm; Ross Park Zoo; RTR Ranch; R-Zoo;" "Safari Club International; Safari West; Safari Zoological Park; Safe Haven for Endangered Species (SHEA); San Antonio Zoo; Sanctuaries; Sanctuary for Animals; San Diego Wild Animal Park; San Diego Zoo; San Fransisco Zoo; Savage Kingdom; Save The Tiger Fund; Saving Molly: a Research Veterinarian's Hard Choices for the Love of Animals; Science & Environmental Writing Program (New York University); Scotch Plains Zoo; Sedgwick County Zoo (Wichita Nebraska); Seneca Park Zoo; Shelters; Showplace Hill; Siberian lynx; Simian immunodeficiency virus; Simian Society of America; Six Flags Wild Safari; Slaughter; Small World Zoological Gardens; Smuggling animals; Snake Farm; Snow Leopard, The; Snow leopards; Southwick Wild Animal Farm; Space Farms Zoo & Museum; Species studbooks; Species Survival Plans; State health departments; Staten Island Zoo; St. Catherine's Wildlife Conservation Center; Sterilization; St. Hubert's Giralda; St. Louis Zoo; Stone, Walter D., Memorial Zoo; Strictly Reptiles; Stubby (coyote); Studio Animal Rentals; Subterfuge of paperwork; Sunrise Exotic Ranch;" "Taari (tiger); Tamarin, cotton-top; Tanganyika Wildlife Park (Company); Tapeworm; Tapirs, Brazilian; Texas & regulation of exotic animals; Thank God for Kids Ministries; Theft of native wildlife; The ZOO; Tiger!; Tigers; Tiger's Eye Production; Tigers Only Preservation Society (TOPS); Tiger Tales Productions; Time Warner, Inc.; To Love or Kill: Man Verses Animal; Topsy (elephant); Training & handling guidelines for exotic & wild animals, regulation relative to; Transportation of animals across state lines; Trophy-hunting ranches; Tuberculosis; Tulane Regional Primate Research Center; Tularemia; Tulsa Zoo; Turner Endangered Species Fund; Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge;" "U.S. Department of Agriculture; U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service; University of Memphis; University of Nebraska; Urine; Utica Zoo;" "Vanderbilt University; Veterinarians & exotic animals; Violence against animals;" "Washington Park Zoo (Portland, Oregon); Water Wheel Exotics; White Oak Conservation Center; Whitetail Genetic Research Institute; Wild Animal Orphanage; Wild Discovery; Wildest Places on Earth; Wildlife Educators of America; Wildlife Rescue, Inc.; Wildlife Safari; Wisconsin outdoor Journal; Wise Monkeys, The; Woodland Park Zoo (Seattle); Woods & Waters auction; World Conservation Union, The; World Watusi Association; World Wildlife Fund, and tigers; Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center (Emory University); Y.O. Ranch;" "ZooAmerica; Zoo Atlanta; Zoological Animal Exchange; Zoological Animal Reproduction Center; Zoo-support organizations (Green, Alan. Animal Underworld: Inside America's Black Market for Rare and Endangered Species. 1999. Index, pgs 273-286.)
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