YOGI BEAR & LITTLE MISS BOO profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

We are Yogi & Boo Boo! Otherwise known as Yogi Bear & Little Miss Boo. We're Brother & sister, persian cross & 2 years old in May 2007. Our Mummy & Daddy have a collective number of alternative names; - Miss Boo, Princess Boo, One Fang, (when I lost my first tooth!), Tag Nut! (Hey I've got fur! & no toilet paper), Nosferatu, (I love my fangs), Keyop, Lord Charles, Chauwauwau, Bolonaise, Cheesey topped, (i got spag bol on my head!), Copper nob, Slurry Bum, (dont go there), Sulphur bum, (definately dont go there), Ginger Snap, Bramble Bum, Ginger Whinger, Foo Man Boo, Nooky Noo McBoo, Dangleberry Boo, Gremlin, Mogwai, Princess..Yogi Bear, Mr Bear, Baby Bear, Whose the Bear, Thriller Bear, Double dinners Yogi, Who the Bear-he the Bear-you the Bear! one tonne Bear!We have the lovely cotswold countryside at our doorstep, mices a plenty, birdies, bugs, spiders & slow worms have come into season a particular favourite this time of year. About 3am we're wide awake so we start the day with our ritual of clawing & meowing to entice our Dad to let us out, which he does after various lengths of time & techniques. Then its straight over to 'Nipville' aka next doors (was) vegetable patch, to plant some of our own produce, then off for the morning hunt & few pounds lighter, after those pesky birds. Then back for some tasty Felix, perhaps a morning snooze, I may annoy my sister Boo for a bit & race around the whole house, then 40 winks. Life is good when your lying in the sun. Meow!
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My Interests

MySpace Glitter GraphicsFelix, prawns, fish biscuits, cheese, mice, spiders, birds, climbing trees, getting into mischief in other peoples gardens, sleeping & tummy tickles.

I'd like to meet:

MySpace Glitter GraphicsLOVE CATS - THE CURE


Tones On Tail, Gary Numan - She's got claws, Cure - Love Cats, Bowie - Cat People, Anything by Cat Stevens, The Birdie Song....


Aristocats, Cat on a hot tin roof, Finding Nemo, Stuart Little, The Birds, Tom & Jerry, Top Cat, Dangermouse, Mighty Mouse, Mickey Mouse ...

MySpace Glitter Graphics


Blofelt - Bond Enemy Cat & Cat Woman

My Blog


Mew! I was taken ill Saturday night/Sunday morning.  I didnt know what was wrong & was very scared & cowered away.  Mum & Dad gave me lots of TLC & the following day felt loa...
Posted by YOGI BEAR & LITTLE MISS BOO on Tue, 15 May 2007 01:37:00 PST