"Of all God's creatures,
there is only one
that cannot be made
the slave of the lash.
That one is the cat.
If man could be
crossed with a cat
it would improve man,
but it would
deteriorate the cat" Mark Twain
I LOVE to sharpen my claws with any sofas...but especially a red one at home that I am not even allowed to get close to. I do have one of those boards to do that, but not being allowed to do something is what makes it so much more fun!!!!!
Love ice cream, and yogurt, and jumping on top of my sister cat, Saskia. I love my mommy. She rarely gets mad at me, despite all my screw ups. I even get to share the bed with her-I mean IN bed...we cuddle together under the blankets every night-, and I think she likes me more than anyone else in this world ...it does bother me though when she gets heavy on the kissing. Sometimes enough is enough for Cat..s sake! But she is my mommy, and she does love me, so....
I also enjoy red wine, but my mom gets upset at me when I try to drink off her glass. She says I am not old enough. What is that??? What is old enough??????
I love those birds I used to see from the balcony, but I..ve moved...and now there are no pigeons around. Darn it! I was told my sister Saskia caught several when she was young! (yeah, but she had a garden!!!). I love going up to the terrace, but whenever my mom is not around she leaves all doors and windows closed. How am I supposed to go up there ? (if I only had one hand and three paws...)
I also greatly enjoy peeing in a clean litter box. Change it and I am right there to pee in it right away.
You are a Siamese! You are fun-loving, playful,
energetic, talkative, and exotic. You are the
center of attention and you love every minute
of it.Yes well...I am what I am. What other type of cat could I be????
What breed of cat are you?
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Fun cats, fun dogs...fun quadrupedals