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Lots of other cats and animals. Since this is all a little crazy, i'm excluding humans as friends...
My wife Mean Torti made me this sweater. My wife & I are currently haveing problems but I seill love these pictures
This is our wedding picture
Funny Photo Sharing at
This is my baby sister dressed for the season
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we the badest band out there bitches.
I'm the Axe man
Ace is the voice
My man Choo on Bass
and Shibby on drums
My buddy Puck made us this picture!
Hosted @ HotFreeLayouts
The lion King, Meet the parents & meet the focker Mr Jinx looks like my bro who I love. Homeward Bound. Cats rule and dogs drool. Most Disney
Animal Planet rules! , 24 and this new dvd my mommy bought me kitty goes hunting & kitty goes fishing
Can't read
Morris, Puss in Boots, Mr Jinx, Mommy, My older bro Ming he is like 18 years old and a very wise kitty who snuggles very nicely.