My full nem iz Eeellie Beeellie Doo Dah Day - Doo Doris Doo Doris and eye am now inn mye 7 th year, mm.
Eye had a pore start inn life. Eye wos catnapped buy thee cat protektion teem ov thee Unsociable Services, and takkinn awaye from mye Movver at For weeks owld becus wee were awl running wilde partying inn dhis facTory. Eye got takken two dhis foisturr humm and had dis blummin syrinnguh stukk duwn mye throat four a cuuple ov weeks, lotz of cuggles two get mee ewesd to mye knew slaves, and dhen dhis dish ov meet stuuck inn frunt ov mee a cupple ov weeks afturr dhat. Knot sew much az a 'how's de weening process goeeng Ellie Bellie?' Butt nevurrmind, eye stayed att de foisturr home becuss eye am sew fabuluss dhat dhey culdunt bear two re-home mee. Yez. Thank ewe.
Az iv awl dhis wosn't enuff, Eye've had a problum wiv mye spine since Eye wos a kitt, sow juzt az Eye'm tryeeng two appeer cool, walking arund pretendeeng two bee well hard and meen, mye bakk legz give way and Eye fall ovurr. Eye'm a pussy cat reeally, Eye wud swipe a fly and de odd mouse, butt Eye rarelee swipe de hand dhat feeds.
Eye suppus awl Eye wont iz two bee luved, dhat bigg uncondishunulll type luv and myespace boyfreend Punkass iz doeeng a handsum job of dhis. Yez. Eet iz de romunce ov de centory. Tom wos tryeeng two woo mee butt eye tolwd him two juzt git onn wiv his verree importunt job.
Eye am sow pleezed dhat eye hav mett him and eye thought two myself, well why don't wee hav a dateeng serviss, sow dhat ovvurr animulls may meat dheir luvs, wee can awl dubbulldate (know key swoppeeng, know) and wee can awlsow deescuss currunt relashunsheeps and share our luv storease. Mm.
Wee hav formed a luvlee fake punk rock band called McFluff and ewe can dance wiv uz if ewe wont, mm.
Eye am de lead singurr, yez
Eef ewe wont two takk mye quiz abowt mee, pleese doo. Eye gott top marks, mm.
Ellie Bellie's Quiz, mm and then Check out the Scoreboard!
and hear's our luvlee new syte, mm
click here to send a free Ellie and Punkass e-card to your friends, mm!