I'm a young cat who thinks EVERYTHING is a toy, and has good girlcosity at any velocity. I live with my human MadKitty and my big brother Abe, the Orange Manalishi (with the great big tail) .
My nicknames are Tsuba, Tsubz, Tsub-Tsub, Tsubie, Tsubles, Baki, Vaquita, Tiny Cow, Ickle Cute-ums, Girliepoo, Ickle-iculus, Bebiekins, Pretty Baby, Prettikins, Girlcus, Pretty Girlcus, Girlcussy Gircus, Banquet of Loveliness, The Quicker Beater-Upper, Mighty Q-Tip Hunter, Velocity Girl, Velocity and Kittenoli. I'm also sometimes called "Donald Duck" because when I'm startled or slightly annoyed, I do Donald Duck talk.mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src='' style='display:none'