Matt profile picture


All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. - Abraham Lincoln

About Me

My name is Matt and I'm an...Wait a minute. This sounds too much like what I have heard AA meetings are like. Let me start over.

Hi. I'm Matt and welcome to my space within MySpace...hmmm. I'm not sure I like that much either. Maybe I should just start with my interests and why I'm here.
I'm an artist with a preference for cartooning, or as my wife likes to call it, "entertainment illustration". I joined MySpace with the intent of networking with professionals and maybe picking up the occasional freelance gig. I also enjoy comic books, movies and video games. I look forward to hearing from professionals and amateurs alike. Feel free to browse my artwork as well as visiting my sites at both DeviantArt and I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoyed creating it.

My Interests

..Drawing, Video Games, Movies, Animation, Comics (reading more than collecting)

I'd like to meet:

Artists, Writers and fans of the afore mentioned.


My taste in music is quite diverse. I'll listen to anything ranging from pop to country to metal. I'm particularly fond of music from the '80's, though. Some of my favorite artists include Talking Heads, They Might Be Giants, Poison, Meatloaf and even, I'm not afraid to admit it, Duran Duran. Please note, however, that I absolutely despise EVERYTHING that New Kids on the Block ever did or may do in the future. I believe that any such reunion would be a sure sign of the apocalypse.


..Shaun of the Dead; Kung Pow; Spider-man; The Life of Brian; Monty Python and the Holy Grail; The Princess Bride; Star Wars; Indiana Jones; Lord of the Rings; X-Men; Army of Darkness (Bruce Campbell Rocks!); Fast Times at Ridgemont High (Phoebe Cates is the hotness!); Project A-Ko and They Live


..CODE MONKEYS; Justice League Unlimited; Robot Chicken; The Venture Bros.; Family Guy; The Best Week Ever; SNL; Late Night with Conan O'Brien; CHUCK; Good Eats; South Park; Cowboy Bebop; and X-Play


..I enjoy the works of such authors as H.P. Lovecraft, J.K. Rowling and R.E. Howard as well as a plethora of graphic novels and other comics related materials.


..Stan Lee, John Buscema, Jim Lee, Jack Kirby, Terry Dodson, Joe Madureira, Frank Frazetta, Adam Hughes, Don Bluth, Shigeru Miyamoto and last but most certainly not least, my wife and my daughter.

My Blog

Its all about the Benjamins...Addendum

In my previous blog, I covered several free software packages that I felt really give their commercial counterparts a run for their money. I just happened upon one more that I need to tell the world a...
Posted by Matt on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 05:10:00 PST

Its all about the Benjamins...sort of.

This past couple weeks have been rather interesting. I've been looking to get off my butt and turn out some more artwork, but with all that's been going on in my life, I've found it difficult at best....
Posted by Matt on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 08:09:00 PST

I have been tagged

I was tagged by Shilo (Miss Independant). The rules in this game of tag are simple -- once you have been tagged, you must write a blog with ten weird, random things, little known facts or habits abou...
Posted by Matt on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 06:44:00 PST

Disaster Strikes!!

Oy! What a day I had yesterday! Annie and I had gotten to bed late the night before and were still asleep. Our slumber had only been briefly interrupted by our 2 year old daughter, Lisa, popping ...
Posted by Matt on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 08:46:00 PST

If Your Life Was A Movie, What Would The Soundtrack Be?

IF YOUR LIFE WAS A MOVIE, WHAT WOULD THE SOUNDTRACK BE?So, here's how it works:1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)2. Put it on shuffle3. Press play4. For every question, ty...
Posted by Matt on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 10:37:00 PST

Storytime and a Kiddie Mosh Pit!

I am reposting this blog my wife wrote about our daughter's first day interacting with kids her own age so you guys can read it too.  Our daughter is only around adults and I am so glad...
Posted by Matt on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 10:32:00 PST

New Artwork Posting Soon

Things have been busy but I am finishing what needs to be done.  I have almost all the submissions for Wacked! finished thus far.   When my brain feels fried from staring at t...
Posted by Matt on Sat, 19 May 2007 05:35:00 PST

Back Online with my replacement computer

I just bought a Windows machine after nearly a decade of using a Mac. In the near future, I hope to upload picture files that better show my abilities. Check back in the next few weeks. I should ha...
Posted by Matt on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 11:14:00 PST


Recently, I responded to an open invitation to guest illustrate an episode of the online comic strip, "Whacked!" and wanted to let everyone know that it has been posted! Please head over to comic gene...
Posted by Matt on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 07:05:00 PST


"Alas! Poor Euric! I knew him well!"It's been a good, long run but my Mac has finally decided to give up the ghost. 7 years he and I were inseperable. We surfed the web together. We talked to friends ...
Posted by Matt on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:54:00 PST