Zombie Emergency Defense (Z.E.D.) : An international, socially interactive organization created and unified under the goal of preparation against a mass zombie epidemic.
It is common knowledge that the number of localized zombie outbreaks is on the rise. Looking at the history of the phenomena, one can see a dramatic increase as the years have passed. Initial outbreaks were quickly covered up by the governments of the world with a variety of second rate explanations, but the increasing frequency of localized epidemics made this impossible to contain.
Most early attempts to contain these outbreaks were disastrous due to a lack of knowledge of the enemy. The governments of the world eventually realized that on the front line in this battle were ordinary people. It is rare that the right people are in the right place at the right time. These epidemics can happen anywhere and at any time and the response time alone for dispatching an uninformed unit to the scene can potentially double or triple the zombie threat. Z.E.D. Command has been created to train the ordinary citizen in various zombie survival techniques. As the Armed Forces’ numbers decrease, the possibility of a mass zombie outbreak rises exponentially. JOIN Z.E.D. NOW and help put these poor souls back in the ground where they belong.