The Groove Valley Jazzcamp (TGV)
TGV is arranged and produced by Beiarn municipality near Bodø /Arctic Circle in the northern part of Norway.Homepage Beiarn municipality
TGV was successfully arranged at first time in august 2005. Beiarn only have a population of 1150 people, so making a festival with top Norwegian, Nordic and even international jazzmusicans in competition with big jazzfestivals wasn’t an easy project to start. Homepage TGV
The idea was to create activity based on the wild and fabulous nature in the surroundings, in a camp-part of a festival. The music-part was based on the fact that Beiarn had invested money in rehabilitating of their old culture hall, stage and technical equipment. Together it could be an arena who preference Beiarns and the jazz genres superiority. The idea for the project, and who lead/produce the jazzcamp had Rune Paulsen. He working in Beiarn municipalitys culture office and are educated as an clarinettist and music & drama pedagogue. Contact
One of the music styles who have highest quality performers can you find in jazz. Its rhythmic musicians, who often are high educated, can teach and improvise. They figure in band with more commercial pop and rock musicians because of their musical understanding and brilliant technique. On an early stage we booked several high level class jazzmusicans in Norway and bassist N.H.Ø.P from Denmark. (See influences)
With economic, moral and political support from local municipality, provincial county Nordland fylke and nord-norsk jazzsenter Rune keep on working with the project. The municipality agrees that TGV must bee something more than traditional festival concerts and support the idea of courses and clinics for jazzcamp participant.
We made an agreement with Jan Gunnar Hoff to be the musical leader for the jazzcamp and all pieces was accomplished.
Jan Gunnar is a well known European jazz pianist, composer and pedagogue (professor) and has all the qualifications and condition for the work he is charge to do for this special festival concept.
Homepage JanGunnar Hoff
TGV could easily have turn on beeing an ordinary summer school camp, but important different was decided. Hired musicians should play in TGVs houseband with their own (solist) tasks, as well as they should be able to comp guest artist and jazzcamp participant in serial public concerts.
The Groove Valley Jazzcamp in Beiarn is now a gathering of musicians, instructors, amateurs musicians, music teachers and students getting together to play, learn and collaborate one annual week in the beautiful valley of Beiarn.
We are proud to welcome you either as a jazzcamp participant or among the audience !
Information for the Salmon-river
Information for Caving