BEN HARPER Fight Outta You
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I cracked my head open once and this is what the doctor found...This is how I feel on most days...A Real SuperNova...Be a brillant star sparkling in the galaxy...While walking on Earth...~Common~If meditation, prayer and self-reflection was/is good enough for Jesus, Buddha and Paramahansa Yogananda than it's good enough for me. Plus, Jesus could/can turn water into wine...Now, this is someone I need to know!!! :) Oh, come on... you know he has a sense of humor, too!!!
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MyHotCommentsIn case you've gotta this far in my profile and haven't figured it out my main general interest is to LAUGH. I love to find the funny side to things (when there is one) and just roll with it.I love my girlfriends. I love gambling. I love gambling with my girlfriends. I've been blessed with the best group of friends on the planet. I need them and I'd like to think that they need me too! It's a very fine balancing act butA message for the fellas: I'm a happily single girl and I have all intention of staying that way. I'm not looking for a soulmate,one-night stand,or a love connection. I'm a free-spirit and need to fly so I can't be caged...but if you're funny, uplifting, or have something witty to say by all means contact me. Didn't your momma teach you not to "trust a big butt and a smile", anyways?
MyHotCommentsAnd in case you're wondering I'm not aeither. I have plenty of my own!!
I am unwilling to add any new "friends" who do not represent themselves with a positive and uplifting vibe. If you lack respect for yourself and humanity please do not bring me down with your negativity! I'm also not interested if your profile picture consists of your house, car, motorcyle, guns, money, your pitbull or bottles of alcohol you managed to chug down in one night.Oh, I almost forgot the famous taking your picture in the mirror picture. Turn the camera around. It's designed to work this way!!! I DO NOT WANT TO "HOOK-UP" WITH YOU. I'M AN ADULT. I DO NOT "HOOK-UP"! YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH SKILL TO CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. IF THIS IS YOUR INTENTION BY CONTACTING ME PLEASE SAVE YOURSELF THE TIME AND PAIN OF REJECTION AND DO NOT DO IT...However, if you are funny, witty, uplifting, positive, goal oriented, gainfully employed, have an IQ above a 3rd grader, have not been arrested for a felony, are allowed to go around children, and actually have a life that does not revolve around mating season and what the drink specials are than...GREAT...You are way ahead of 3/4 of the other people on the planet. Send me a message.I'm on here for old friends and to make new friends who have a sense of their spiritual purpose and to spread a message of "ONE LOVE" and "UNITY" to the world. I'm not "hating" on anyone that may have a different agenda. It's just not my agenda. Really, what is it about my page that says, "Attn: Convicted felons and wanna be gangsters."? Why do I have to come back and add this one? Keep your hairy beer bellies covered! I already have a Chia Pet. I keep it on my kitchen counter between my dish soap and paper towel holder.If I could meet anyone that has ever been on the planet it would no doubt be Moses,Jesus,Buddha,Muhammad,and Paramahansa Yoganada. I would invite them all over to the HKY and cook dinner!!Maybe some chicken,mac and cheese, cornbread,sweet tea,I don't know, I'm from the south. We'd get the bottom of how this planet got so messed up with all the hate and war. We'd figure out how to bring the L*O*V*E back!!!Then I would take them toCall all my girls up and say, " I met the coolest dudes today!! You have gotta gotta gotta gotta get over here now!!"PLease Do Not Let This Be You:VOTE FOR:
Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Bob Marley and all of his sons, are common required play. I get down according to my mood. I have a Gangsta Rap, Reggae, Soulful Hip-Hop,Techno, Screaming Rock, Indie, Johnny Cash kinda mix.
You are Bernard and Vivian Jaffe. Your strong belief that life is an interconnected thing of beauty compels you to help other people. Your glossy philosphies can seem quaint or naive to some, but it leads you to live a happy and fulfilled life.
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National Geographic, AE, Discovery Health, History Channel, Dateline, 60 Minutes...Yeah, I know, I'm a nerd. When's Dave Chappelle coming back?Now, that's quality television? Will Ferrell is one of my favorite men alive!!!Conan O'Brian, too!!!
I have many leather bound books. My house smells of mahogany. ~Ron Burgundy~ The Bible, A Course in Miracles,Life of Pi,Freakanomics,Conversations with God,Zen and The Art of Motorcyle Maintenance, The Unknown Life of Jesus, The Cirlce, The Power of Intention, The Teachings on don Juan, 100 Years of Solitude, 72 Names (anything Kabbalah really), Autobiography of a Yogi (everything Paramahansa Yogananda has written), Tibetan Book of the Dead, Holographic Universe, What the Bleep Do You Know?, You Own the Power,Power v/s Force, The Nag Hammadi Library, The Art of Self-Realization, The Power of Water (Talk to it. It can hear you!)....I read about my soul and how quantum phyics is the universe I'm in. I love to read that's the point... I'd rather be with a book than most people. Books stimulate my M*I*N*D...that's what I'm interested in: People's minds, not behinds!!!Everything Deepak Chopra, Kahil Gibran and Richard Bach too...My All-Time Favorite: Drum Roll Please...
Myspace ImagesAnd all the other people that have been killed, murdered or died trying to spread a message of love to everybody on the planet.
MyHotComments / HotFreeLayoutsMY MOTHER...she's an amazing woman. I don't know how she does it all but she does. I LOVE YOU MOMMY!!!Anyone trying to make the world a better place is a hero to me. All the people that taught us how to read, do math, think, right from wrong, and to play well with others are heroes, because I know most of us were selfish, inconsiderate little whiney brats that just wanted some candy, but they put up with us with the thought that one day we'd get it. Have you got it figured it out?
And to all the people that risk their lives everyday just so I can sit here and go cross-eyed on this computer... Thankyou.