Ariock® profile picture


Chaotian Fearotic Art(c) photography

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Hi Friends, welcome to my profile
Few words to intoduce myself.
I am a Freelance Illustrator & Photographer specialized into Fantastic Pinup arts, Fantasy and more Fantastic themes. I am also a Writer, concept artist and use many medias to represent my Dreams and Nightmares.
I paint my dreams and the beauty of the feminity, in many fantasy worlds. The beauty of the devil and the dreams of the Cthonian realms.... br
I am always inviting new Guest models to realize artworks based on her, so if you like my art and would be painted by me in fantastical and mythological creatures, godesses of sensual kingdoms just send me a mail to show me your profile and if you are one of the beauties of the devil... we can collaborate soon.
You can also visit my official website to know more about my work and visit the model submission section.
For the fakers of myspace be prudent... if you are not the real person on the picture I will know...
"Erotism is the delicate science of Voluptuary and Pleasure, who exists to exalte Fantasy and glorify feminity, but has nothing to do with the sapience of outrage and humiliation"
artwork closeup : Thanatera

My Interests

Create.... paint the sensuality of women and the beauty of Strange Worlds. I art I have many interests and I like to use all the mediums to represent my imaginary. That why I am also a writer, novels, poetry, scenarios, a makeup artist specialized into makeup Fxs, a costume designer, a creator of animated creatures, an I tem designer, a painter of course but not only with digital painting, a drawer, sketcher, storyboardist, realizator, character designer, worlds designer and creator, special FXs conceptor.... and many other fields.... all is visible on my official website

I'd like to meet:

on my Space... Friends and models for my next paintings and the persons I really admire Michael Moorcock and HP lovecraft... I know mr Lovecraft is deceased.. but its just more complicated not impossible............


Dark atmospheres and Metal : Coph nia, Raison d'etre, Dead can dance, Arcana, Elend, After forever, Daargard, rhapsody, hawkwind, in Flammes: Whoracle, Megadeth.............


nightmare before christmas, Constantine, Hellboy, Hellraiser, The naked lunch, the Lord of the ring trilogy, The Compagny of wolfs, Heavy Metal, FAKK 2, Urotsukidoji, ring, In the mouth of madness, secret paris, xmen 3, underworld, spiderman, texas chainsaw massacre, slither, hills have eyes, silent hill...


fantastic shows, buffy, angel, csi, ncis, scrub, supernatural, heroes, twilight zone, addams family, spongebob, mangas, cartoons, billy and mandy, transformers, & video games specially survival horror and rpg


moorcock, lovecraft, sade, chaos magick


No one is innocent, no one is perfect, my heroes are the ones who have the consciousness of their wikness and find the way to be stronger, better anyway....

My Blog

Major UPDATE!!! Hustler Mag,New Website, Profile and Art

Major Update in the Ariock Events!! Ariock New Featured Monthly artist of Hustler Magazine, beginning August 2007..... for a serie of Fantastic and erotic illustration..... New website online, New pro...
Posted by Ariock® on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 08:42:00 PST

Hustler Mag -Monthly Featured Artist

I have the pleasure to announce you a Fresh collaboration with one of the most famous magazine dedicated to erotica. Hustler Magazine. One illustration by month, published in this magazine, with ...
Posted by Ariock® on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 08:35:00 PST

New Website Online!!!!! new version Grand Opening! Hi and Welcome to the opening of the new version of, I hope this new design will enjoy you during the visit of my website. I have created this new desi...
Posted by Ariock® on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 04:36:00 PST

Ariock's studio relocated in North America

Hi Friends Ariock's studio is currently relocating to the canadian territory. Yes I am leaving France with a lot of Pleasure to continue my work with more powerful results and to devellop a more ...
Posted by Ariock® on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 08:29:00 PST

Ariock is going rebirth....

To live of my art I've forgoten myself... and I have not lived better... I have tried to be generalist in my creations.... but I am not this kind of man I have tried to paint nice visions even if my t...
Posted by Ariock® on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 11:15:00 PST

Model wanted : no time limit

For huge series of paintings I need the most models possible.For the year 2006-2007 in need to paint a large selection of pinups for calendars, my own artbook and publications for Europe and the US te...
Posted by Ariock® on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 05:53:00 PST

Who I am: some kind of monster?.... not really

Hi there, Just few words to introduce myself.I am born in the center of France in a department called Berry, a country of Dark forest and legends. You could call the Berry  "the french Sal...
Posted by Ariock® on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 04:29:00 PST