Fashion, Music, Movies, Writing, Television, Animals, Animal Communication ( I am oddly good at it!)...
I don't know who I would like to meet. But I definetly don't want to meet guys that are going to write me stuff like, "Yo ma, your like mad hot. Wassup. Can I get to know you better." Be original. I love music, film making, fashion, animals...I am actually pretty interesting to talk to. So if you want to talk about something for real I am more then happy to write back. Also if you write more then 5 bulletins per day...Don't become my friend. We all get bored. But all day everyday. Dear God!!Take the Dumb Blonde Test at !THE TRAILER!!!!
NOTORIOUS B I G! Tribe Called Quest, Lloyd Banks, Luda, Beastie Boys!!!! Most Hip Hop really.
Life is to stressful for anything but comedy and porn..
Will and Grace, Just Shoot Me, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Entourage
Ask and it is Given, The Celestine Prophecy, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, Earth Angels,
Spinner and Clarence.