Lukas Zpira profile picture

Lukas Zpira

No Body is Perfect

About Me

Lukas Zpira began his artistic career in 1992, at age 26. It was upon the presentation of two charcoal sketches that he was accepted as a member of the art collective "ADADA" in Avignon, which consists of about 30 artists of various influences. It was with the help and support of Daniel Romanie, founder and director of the collective, that he made his first real artistic experiments: paintings, sculptures, installations, writings, and photography. His works, closely related to nouveau realism, differed in style to his writing and photography, which were far more influenced by surrealism and Dadaism, notably Duchamps and Man Ray's rayographs.It was in 1993 that he took on the name Lukas Zpira, an anagram inspired from the surrealists. Multiple experiences and various exhibitions still left him unsatisfied, and he felt he had quickly reached the limits of his medium. He left the collective in 1995 to turn towards body art.Soon after, Lukas opened Body Art/Weird Faktory in Avignon, the first studio in europe dedicated to body modification, and immediately got critical respect for his detailed and precise cutting work. In a short period, Lukas grew from a talented cutter to offering a full range of body modifications.In 2000 Lukas organized the event ART-KOR.OO, which took place in Avignon, France, during the very famous art festival. This went on for 6 months featuring up to 80 performances and conferences from many international artist, giving birth to the ART-KOR collective.For several years now Lukas has been doing many body art performances and installations mixing suspension, scarification and branding along with Japanese traditional bondage performed by his wife Satomi. Since 2001 he has been touring all around the world. Together with Satomi, he recently gathered various artists and musicians (ODM, Kannelle, Phyl Von), as well as poets (Tarik Noui, David Defendi) within the collective "HACTION MUTANTE" with which they presented "HACTION I" inside the bunker of the abode of chaos in Lyon, France.In early 2004, in Japan, Lukas Zpira developed and wrote the body hacktivism manifesto, an artistic and political movement that asseverates the corporal biodiversity facing beauty standards imposed by Hollywood. More inspired by the extra terrestrials visuals of Star Trek than the tribal references of the modern primitive movement, this activism of a new genre asserts the heritage of science fiction in the battle for body autonomy.Lukas Zpira either coined or brought to the mainstream the terms "body hacking," "body hacktivism," "no body is perfect," and "like a butterfly."In the spring of 2005, his book "Onanisme Manu Militari II" was published by Hors Ed.In 2006 he published "Vampires" (ed.flammarion) with Laurent Courau and "hidden shadows" a monography (hors ed.).He as been featured in the documentary "No body is perfect" (2007) and has actively participated in the movie "Vampyres, when reality goes beyond fiction" (2008)

My Interests

-Art ...non stop since 1992
-Travel ...non stop since 6 years now
-Girls ...non stop since my first erection
... and chocolat/computeur/Iphone !

I'd like to meet:

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body hacking & mutations :

my photo web site :

onanisme manu militari II :

"hidden shadows" the book

mon egerie :

the kollectif :

the channel :

the connexion :


-Hip hop, abstract hip hop (dj krush, dalek, antipop consortium, public enemy, saul williams, AKA, joey starr,lilea narative etc ...)
-Trip hop (iam a Tricky fan!)
-Electronic/experimental music (von magnet, autechre, aphex twin)
-Rainer Tillman... just great !
-B.O "ghost in the shell".


I love movies ! specialy crazy and creative independant cinema
-David Lynch (specialy lost highway & mulholand drive)
-Gaspar Noe (carne / seul contre tous)
-larry clark ... & to many to tell !
-ghost in the shell & innocence...of course.


-what is television ?


-art books
-comics .


-the dalai lama, ghandi, Leni Riefenstahl and (the rare) peoples who live for a dream .

My Blog

hidden shadows

follow the white rabbit !
Posted by Lukas Zpira on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 11:44:00 PST

skin two cover shot...

Posted by Lukas Zpira on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 11:52:00 PST

NO BODY IS PERFECT ! the movie ...

in theater soon !...
Posted by Lukas Zpira on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 09:44:00 PST

vampyres the books & the movie !

all the informations on the web site
Posted by Lukas Zpira on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 01:38:00 PST

CD vover

one of the photo I did about AJ, the beautifull little cyborg from london, as been use for a cd cover by a japanese band. thats pretty cool !
Posted by Lukas Zpira on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 03:18:00 PST

onanisme manu militari II

you can now order my book throught my editor web site !
Posted by Lukas Zpira on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST