Citizens Of Southern California For 9/11 Truth profile picture

Citizens Of Southern California For 9/11 Truth


About Me

We seek to ignite curiosity in people about 9/11, specifically to stimulate critical thinking about the anomalies of those 3 towers free falling in Manhattan. The questions we are posing stem from a foundation of physical and visual evidence, eyewitness testimony, and science.

Many of our questions relating to the events of 9/11 have been sparked by the scientific research of retired BYU physicist Steven E. Jones.
In September of 2005, Jones released a research paper titled "Why Indeed Did The WTC Buildings Completely Collapse?"
. While the official FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) story claim that the impact damage of the aircrafts and the fires it created brought down both 110-story towers, Jones firmly disagrees.
Jones believes that evidence he was able to collect and examine points to a controlled demolition of both towers as well as the 47-story WTC Building 7 that fell at 5:20 PM on September 11th, 2001.
Both South and North towers fell at near free fall speed. How is this possible? With a majority of the lower floors unaffected by fire and damage, resistance should have slowed the collapse or perhaps stopped it. Both towers were also constructed with 47 steel core columns. The 9/11 Commission Report says the core of both towers were hollow with only elevator shafts and stairwells. The picture below shows a different story.
The official government account of how the building collapsed point to a "pancake collapse" theory. If this collapse occurred, it would have left the core standing. This obviously wasn't the case on 9/11 as the ENTIRE building collapsed on itself, pulverizing concrete to super-fine dust.
Bright yellow molten metal was seen flowing out of the side of the South tower minutes prior to it's collapse. Jones points out in his report that the maximum flame temperature for burning jet fuel in air is about 1000 degrees Celsius. Structural steel (steel used in the construction of WTC towers) melts at 1510 degrees Celsius.
In NIST's report, they suspect that the yellow molten metal seen flowing out of the south tower is actually aluminum from the aircraft. In a controlled experiment, Jones melted down some aluminum and found that it flows in a silver color, not yellow-salmon color.
Jones was able to obtain a sample of WTC steel and when he examined all of it's characteristics, he found characteristics similar to thermite. Thermite (or the military grade Thermate) is typically used as an incendiary for controlled demolitions, slicing iron like a hot knife through butter.
Evidence of molten metal was evident weeks after the destruction of the WTC. Pools of still extremely hot molten metal were unearthed by clean-up crews at ground zero. A USGS photo provided by NASA shows that "Thermal Hot Spots" were unusually high where both towers stood, as well at building 7's site.
How is this possible?
Perhaps the biggest mystery surrounding the events of 9/11 has to be the collapse of WTC 7. This building collapsed on its footprint in near freefall speed (about 6 seconds). While building 7 had small pockets of fire and minimal damage from debit from both towers, the collapse of building 7 is quite strange. Also note that the 9/11 Commission Report mentions NOTHING about the collapse of Building 7.
The internet has allowed us to investigate video accounts of what happened that day. Many eyewitness accounts of "explosions" inside the towers can be found on Youtube and Google video. These videos are greatly important because the accounts of what happened are "raw" and "as it happened", rather than second-hand accounts.
it has also allowed us to critically examine news reports and special programs surrounding the events of that day.
It has just been learned that the BBC and other news outlets reported the collapse building 7 anywhere from 20 minuets to an hour before it actually happened. WTC lease holder Larry Silverstein said in a PBS documentary that (in regards to building 7), "We've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it. And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse." The term "pull it" is commonly used in controlled demolitions as in means to destroy a building.Telling photos of steel beams sliced with hardened molten steel edges point to a controlled demolition.
9/11 was an event that changed the world we live in. While it's been close to seven years since that horrible day, many important questions have still yet to be answered. We ask that everyone critically think about the questions that have been posed and demand a new investigation.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Huntington Beach 9/11 TruthScholars For 9/11 Truth & Justice (Dr. Steven Jones' Group)
9/11 Blogger.Com
9/11 Truth Los Angeles
9/11 Truth.Org
9/11 Research.WTC7.Net
San Diegans For 9/11 Truth
Steven Jones' NEW 9/11 Paper "Revisiting 9/11/2001 --Applying the Scientific Method"
WTC 1 & 2 Original Blueprints

Loose Change 2nd Edition

9/11 Mysteries
9/11 American Scholars Symposium Panel Discussion / June 2006
Dr. Steven Jones' Lecture @ UC Berkeley / Nov 2006
David Ray Griffin - 911 Commission Report: Ommissions and Distortions
San Diegans For 9/11 Truth Confront Rep. Susan Davis @ Town Hall Meeting

My Blog

9/11 Truth In Long Beach Ca's Press Telegram...

As I posted yesterday, I wrote a letter to the editor to Long Beach California's Press Telegram that read :   Rosie attacked   Red hot off the Imus mess, Tom DeLay and other conservative m...
Posted by Citizens Of Southern California For 9/11 Truth on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 09:22:00 PST

Something Everyone Can Do To Help The 9/11 Truth Movement...

With the recent events surrounding Rosie O'Donnell going public with her doubts on 9/11 and the call for her silence by Neo-Con lap dogs, it's key we pin-point the facts and present them to the publi...
Posted by Citizens Of Southern California For 9/11 Truth on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 11:08:00 PST

Audio Of San Diego's Citizen Grand Jury...

From 9/ The San Diego Citizen's Grand Jury, Featuring Don Paul, Jim Hoffman, and Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, was a great success! Listen to the event and s...
Posted by Citizens Of Southern California For 9/11 Truth on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 02:14:00 PST

HB 9/11 Truth Presents a FREE screening of 9/11 Mysteries...

HB 9/11 Truth Presents... FREE Large Projection Screening of: 911 Mysteries - 60min. versiondate: April 20th, 2007time: 8pm to 9pm film screening      9pm to 9:30pm discussion afterThe ...
Posted by Citizens Of Southern California For 9/11 Truth on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 08:36:00 PST

HB Truth Interviews William Rodriquez, Webster Tarpley and Peter Thottarm...

From Huntington Beach 9/11 Truth... We attended the Justice & Freedom conference down in Irvine, CA on March 11th, 2007 and shot interviews of William Rodriguez, Webster Tarpley, and Peter Thottam...
Posted by Citizens Of Southern California For 9/11 Truth on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 08:41:00 PST

Welcome To Citizens Of So Cal For 9/11 Truth!!!

I wanted to welcome all of you to the NEW 9/11 truth myspace page for southern California!   After talking with Aaron from Huntington Beach 9/11 Truth, I decided to start a new and improved myspa...
Posted by Citizens Of Southern California For 9/11 Truth on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 12:00:00 PST