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This page is dedicated to helping people understand the reality behind the 9/11 attacks. The 9/11 truth movement is steadfast in allowing people to become aware of the fact that our way of life, as American citizens, is in dire jeopardy, and unless people are going to be willing to find the truth behind 9/11 and similar situations we are sure to allow those responsible to continue their assult on the freedoms we take for granted! We implore you, as an individual, to look at the evidence that exists so that we, as Americans can do what is necessary to avoid any further attacks on our people, and on our constitutional rights and way of life. If you are willing to take the time, this page will allow you to see everything you need to see in order to have a clear view of, not only 9/11, but other situations surrounding government lies, distortion, scandal, and corruption. All of which have been the reason for the need of a 9/11 truth movement, and quite frankly, the reason for our need that you due your part in aiding in the cause to take back our country, govenrment, and way of life, as our forefathers intended, before it's too late... Thank You!