NY911Truth profile picture


I am here for Networking

About Me

NY911Truth.org Website
NY911 Truth Hotline: 212-714-7147
Sign Up for Our Mailing List Click Here For Mailing List
Mission Statement
NY 911 Truth is committed to educating the public on the alternative research on 9/11, obtaining a new, independent investigation of the attacks, and working to involve the wider public in this same effort. We will focus on attainable goals which are designed to make a difference in a 6 – 12 month period.
Taking Action
You can get involved in the most momentous topic of our times. Even if you can spend 1 or 2 afternoons or evenings a month awakening the public, you're presence is needed. Send an email to [email protected] with "Volunteer" in the subject line and name and phone number in the message.
If you feel compelled to help the cause of spreading 9/11 truth, join us for weekend street actions. This is a regular educational event where the public gets the facts and learns about serious questions about 9/11 which have been suppressed by the government and media. If you want to create widespread awareness of the true crimes of 9/11, this is how!
To get detailed updates of all planning meetings and events, please sign up for our mailing list above.

My Interests

9/11 Info Resource Series St Mark's Church of the Bowery 10th St & 2nd Ave Manhattan (East Village) New York City @ 6:00 PM PLEASE NOTE NEW START TIME until further notice Suggested Donation for event: $5.00
Trains: 6 to Astor Pl N, R to 8th St/NYU N, R, Q, W, L 4, 5 to 14th St/Union Sq
212-714-7147 [email protected]
Join us for a special visit from 9/11 hero Willie Rodriguez. We'll also view "9/11 and Nationalist Faith" by David Ray Griffin
Come here 9/11 survivor and hero, Willie Rodriguez, who saved scores of people before being the "last man out alive". He'll speak about his world wide tour to share his experience of 9/11. Willie is also 110% in support of the NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative.
In the film we'll view which is subtitled "How Faith Can Be Illuminating or Blinding", researcher and theologian David Ray Griffin discussed how "People of faith" are often accused of allowing their faith to override evidence. With regard to 9/11, the greatest obstacle to seeing the truth---that 9/11 was an inside job---is not the lack of evidence but what can be called "nationalist faith"---the belief that America is the "exceptional nation," whose leaders never deliberately do anything truly evil, at least to their own citizens. This presentation was given in Denver, Colorado. October 19, 2007
If you stand for peace and progress, understanding 9/11 is required.

I'd like to meet:

Announcing the NYC 9/11 Ballot Initiative
Imagine having an election option enabling residents of NYC to vote for a new, independent investigation of 9/11!
There is now a campaign to create a NYC ballot initiative calling for an independent 9/11 Commission. The concept is to bypass the stand down by our elected officials to fully investigate 9/11, by taking the issue directly to NYC voters through grassroots legislation. If successful, the initiative would create the kind of investigation 9/11 researchers have demanded for over 5 years through powers vested in the new Commission by the voters themselves.
Please go to NYC 911 Ballot Initiative Website for details. If you're a NYC voter you can download a petition to mail in. Please read the Instructions first. Everyone can contribute in some way so be sure to view the What You Can Do page. We urge you to act quickly and inform everyone you know in NYC.
We need teams for petition gathering, PR, logistics, volunteer coordinators, fundraising, and more. We will aim to get 80,000 signatures over the summer. To be part of the action send an email to [email protected] and include your name, location, and contact phone number(s).


Emergency Forum on H.R.1955 Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act at St Mark's Church, December 4th, 2007

My Blog

Zogby Poll: 51% of Americans Want Congress to Probe Bush/Cheney Regarding 9/11 Attacks

Released: September 06, 2007 67% also fault 9/11 Commission for not investigating anomalous collapse of World Trade Center 7. Kansas City, MO (Zogby International) September 6, 2007 - As America near...
Posted by NY911Truth on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 08:44:00 PST