911 Truth Soldier profile picture

911 Truth Soldier

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About Me

This is my sister profile, my original profile is "investigate 911" .It is listed as the #1 friend on this profile or it is www.MYSPACE.com/270351075

Although the 5 top friends posted on this profile are mine. Check'em out and tell me what you think, your honest opinion is appreciated. Thank you..This profile was made at

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My Interests


911: Press for Truth

911 - The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati (1 of 2)

911 - The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati (2 of 2)

Reichstag 911

America: Freedom to Fascism - Director's Authorized Version

Pandora's Black Box - Chapter Two - Flight Of American 77

911 Revisited

Police State 3: Total Inslavement

9/11 Truth: Unusual Evacuations & Power-Downs in the WTC Prior To 9/11

The Day America Fell : Oct 2nd 2006

Legislation passed in the US destroys the bill of rights, . The Execuitive Branch moves for and takes total control. It makes the President absoloute dictator. Many Americans from listening to talk radio, reading the blogs and forums are going crazy they are furious they believe the Government is going Mainstream media are playing it down and spinning this. The Mark Foley scandel blew up at the exact time the legislation was being put through congress.Bill H.R.6166 : Military Commissions Act 2006http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yi33LPwzB6s h3