Thank you for visiting Conspiracy Brand. You probably wouldn't be here unless you had that deep down feeling that something was wrong. You may have had the feeling that the "official" story just didn't make sense to you. You are not alone. There are millions of people around the world at this very moment that feel the same way as you or me.Standing on the corners preaching to the masses about the injustices and cover-ups will only get you ridiculed and scoffed at. Many times it becomes a touchy situation when a couple of people, or even a group of people begin to discuss topics such as: politics, corporations, fascism, or war. Often times when the idea is presented that a conspiracy is afoot: hidden in plain site from all that don't believe it could be possible, sparks start to fly when discussed.This usually comes down to a firm stance on one side, completely oblivious to the wealth of information to disprove the lie they have been lead to believe since early schooling. From their lips will be the phrases "show me what proof you have" and "here comes another conspiracy theory", as if to say that nothing you state has any merit and is all completely fiction until proven fact by themselves. On the other side, the more open minded conscious individual that hears what the mainstream media is pushing on them will usually go in search of what they feel is the real truth. This person will enjoy the search, trying to put all of the puzzle pieces together and get to the bottom of it all. This is an intriguing, yet never-ending journey. Enjoy. You decide what to believe.
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