Chunks McGillicudy profile picture

Chunks McGillicudy

On a Blank Wave of Emotion

About Me

OK! I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... When my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out... But the worst thing I ever done - I mixed a pot of fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. I never felt so bad in my entire life.When I was nine years old I told my parents that I wanted to celebrate Chanukah. I made a yarmulkes out of pink construction paper and played spin the draddle with my next door neighbor.When I was fourteen years old I joined a gang of Hasidic Jews who went around Melrose and tagged the Star of David.Proud to be a convert"Kill everyone. Condone first degree murder. Advocate cannabalism. Eat Shit. Filth is my politics--filth is my life!"Pet Peeves: Bad Dance Face, Pubes on the soap, Tasmanian-devil-smoking-a-joint tattoos, car decals featuring Calvin pissing on ANYTHING.There was a period of around three weeks I listened to Dr. Dre's THE CHRONIC exclusively, but I think that it was mainly for one (albeit sad) reason: I had the lines down and, with bass turned up in me 'ride,' like to rap along and-ahem-pretend that the lyrics in some way, ANY way, applied to my life. One of my favorites: Dint nobody wanna speak now they/peepin out they window when they hear me beepin up the street/Is it DRE?/Is it DRE?/that's what they say/everysingle motherfukin' day and, of course, the universally empowering lines, like "you fuked with me, now it's a must that I fuc with you." It feels good to believe that's ACTUALLY your lifestyle...but, um, yeah. The novelty wore off.Quite possibly one of the best commercials ever and one of my favorite songs. Thanks to the French for this one! Click here to watch 'AIDES59'

My Interests

Getting paid by Al Gore and The Google Guys to tell them what's cool! Sister2Sister (the magazine not the show), Bar Fights! Gettin it AWNNN!!!, pop culture, Midget Porn, 40oz in McD's Big Gulps, My IPOD, Tattoos of Mathematical Equations, Netflix, XM RADIO!!!!!

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The milkshake song (NOT Kelis, it will never rival the true genius of the Village People's). Jump (No, not by Kriss Kross, but the rock gods themselves Van F**kin Halen).Bowie, Japanther, Prince , The Vanishing , The Killers , Panty Raid, Gravy Train!!! ,24-k, Adult, Metric, PINK STEEL, ESG, Big Star, Bratmobile, Yeah Yeah Yeahs , The Shins , Joy Division, The Vibrators, Shangri Las, Stacie Q, Sufjan Stevens , Serge Gainsbourg, JJFAD, The Yummy Fur, Garry Glitter, Liliput, The Cars, Stereo Total , Da Hawnay Troof , Misfits, Gun Club, Delta 5, The Sonics, The Zombies, Qunitron & Miss Pussycat , Turbonegro , The Knife , Le Tigre , The Prima Donnas , the ramones, missing persons, of montreal, sisters of mercy, 5 6 7 8's, the raincoats, The Rapture , the blood arm, abba, Opti-Grab , The Starvations, The Rolling Blackouts, Pat Benetar, Peaches , XBXRX , Wolf Eyes, Black Dice, Mos Def, Morrissey, Dr. Octagon, Gang Starr, The Liars, MIA, The Smiths, Lil Kim, Visage, Camera Obscura, Les Savy Fav, Party Line, Depeche Mode, Tupac, The Clash, The Walkmen, The Hives , The Slits, Scissor Sisters, outkast, les camionnettes, B-52's, I won't go awnnnIf you never got to see her at a roller skating rink, too bad!


Anything John Waters, Goonies, Teen Witch, Hard Rockin Zombies, Mac & Me, Chopping Mall, Russ Myers, Suspiria, Pee Wee Anything, Stagefright, The City of the Living Dead, Sleepaway Camp, Mondo Cane, Der Todesking, Return of the Living Dead, Peeping Tom, Network, Slumper Party Massacre 1 & 3 (cause 2 sucked), The Last Dragon, Monster Squad, City of Lost Children, Logan's Run, Lobster Man from Mars, any movie where you have to make fun of yourself for watching it, anything with Zombies, tons of music video directors like Mark Romaneck, Chris Cunningham, Spike Jones, Dayton and Ferris, any director who pushes boundaries........


Current TV, TV on DVD, The Office (UK), Aqua Teen Hunger Force, most of its crap


Youth in Revolt, J.T. LeRoy, The Watchmen, The Corrections, any book published by Phaidon, 100 days of Sodom, Foucault, Cookie Muller, Geek Love, Any unauthorized biography, David Sedaris, Augusten Burroughs, I'm a huge dork so computer books, Harry Potter, etc....

My Blog

ladies, respect your vagina

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Posted by Chunks McGillicudy on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 02:37:00 PST

No Words

This is my new favorite video AMAZING
Posted by Chunks McGillicudy on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 02:25:00 PST

This Is How I Roll

Check out this Pimp Ride It's way better than that dude Wyclefs SUV with the shark tank in the back. I was checking out what was happening in my old hometown and I came across this little interesting ...
Posted by Chunks McGillicudy on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 01:23:00 PST

and just when you thought....

it couldn't get any GAYER, it does!.. width="425" height="350">..>Then check out the CARTOON...
Posted by Chunks McGillicudy on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 01:13:00 PST

PARIS...Use a real fine woman

So everyone and their mother knows Paris got busted for driving under the influence. Here is a video of right after she got out of jail. What I love about this video occurs at the very end when one of...
Posted by Chunks McGillicudy on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 09:24:00 PST

Who's Your Daddy?

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Posted by Chunks McGillicudy on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 08:35:00 PST

Hidden Camera Pool Prank

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Posted by Chunks McGillicudy on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 08:11:00 PST

My Colors Fade To Grey

If you haven't seen this video and aren't OBSESSED with this dude or song by O-Zone, then obviously you're not gay enough... width="425" height="350">..>...
Posted by Chunks McGillicudy on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 01:01:00 PST

Beginning of the gay apocalypse

.. width="425" height="350">..>I'm all about new advances in fashion technology. When Hyper Color made its debut I was the kid with the X-Files shirt that revealed "The Truth is Out There." Unfortunat...
Posted by Chunks McGillicudy on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 08:17:00 PST

Sunday Equals Funday

Sunday was a night of BBQ, movies and tattoos. We started off the night at Dallas BBQ in Times Square. This place should be a cultural institution because next to the McDonalds in the LES I don't know...
Posted by Chunks McGillicudy on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 09:00:00 PST