Kim Nam-joo profile picture

Kim Nam-joo

Putting pictures of yourself online is pornography

About Me

Please Save NPR and PBS by clicking on this link!
I am an insecure-born rat-soup eating junkyard motherfucker but I am worth $2,229,742 on
"Enfin! seul! On n'entend plus que le roulement de quelques fiacres attardés et éreintés. Pendant quelques heures, nous posséderons le silence, sinon le repos. Enfin! la tyrannie de la face humaine a disparu, et je ne souffrirai plus que par moi-même. Enfin! il m'est donc permis de me délasser dans un bain de ténèbres! D'abord, un double tour à la serrure. Il me semble que ce tour de clef augmentera ma solitude et fortifiera les barricades qui me séparent actuellement du monde. Horrible vie! Horrible ville! Récapitulons la journée: avoir vu plusieurs hommes de lettres, dont l'un m'a demandé si l'on pouvait aller en Russie par voie de terre (il prenait sans doute la Russie pour une île); avoir disputé généreusement contre le directeur d'une revue, qui à chaque objection répondait: "- C'est ici le parti des honnêtes gens", ce qui implique que tous les autres journaux sont rédigés par des coquins; avoir salué une vingtaine de personnes, dont quinze me sont inconnues; avoir distribué des poignées de main dans la même proportion, et cela sans avoir pris la précaution d'acheter des gants; être monté pour tuer le temps, pendant une averse, chez une sauteuse qui m'a prié de lui dessiner un costume de Vénustre; avoir fait ma cour à un directeur de théâtre, qui m'a dit en me congédiant: "- Vous feriez peut-être bien de vous adresser à Z...; c'est le plus lourd, le plus sot et le plus célèbre de tous mes auteurs, avec lui vous pourriez peut-être aboutir à quelque chose. Voyez-le, et puis nous verrons"; m'être vanté (pourquoi?) de plusieurs vilaines actions que je n'ai jamais commises, et avoir lâchement nié quelques autres méfaits que j'ai accomplis avec joie, délit de fanfaronnade, crime de respect humain; avoir refusé à un ami un service facile, et donné une recommandation écrite à un parfait drôle; ouf! est-ce bien fini? Mécontent de tous et mécontent de moi, je voudrais bien me racheter et m'enorgueillir un peu dans le silence et la solitude de la nuit. Ames de ceux que j'ai aimés, âmes de ceux que j'ai chantés, fortifiez-moi, soutenez-moi, éloignez de moi le mensonge et les vapeurs corruptrices du monde, et vous, Seigneur mon Dieu! accordez-moi la grâce de produire quelques beaux vers qui me prouvent à moi-même que je ne suis pas le dernier des hommes, que je ne suis pas inférieur à ceux que je méprise!"
"À une heure du matin" -Baudelaire
Paul Paul sez, "Soul Night in San Francisco will make you dance your face off!!!!"
Just in case you wanted to know how I kick it when I'm not riding Bart or Muni....
Which New York City subway line are you?
You are a classic; the quintessential New Yorker. You are cultured and love to travel, though you wouldn't move from New York in a million years. Then again, you may just be a tourist, trying to see all the sights in a single day. (Tourist? Yeah fucking right! Kiss my North Bay ass, Quizilla!!!! This quiz is fakakta. You know I'd rather be expressing it on the 2 or 3 on up to the Upper West! How come you tryin' to dis me just cos I gots to cross the platform at Hoyt-Schermerhorn???? Haterz!!!! -Ed.)
Take this quiz !
The Whispers- Rock Steady

My Interests

I will never stop missing and loving my little friends...

I'd like to meet:

being with koreans makes me feel safe Feist - Inside And Out

Music Code provided by Song2Play.Com


Looking for the perfect beat

but it's always more fun when you've got the expertise of Garage Bob at Amoeba

Apparently DJ John Howard has taken me under his wing. Before I can learn about trance, I have to get comfortable using hair styling product

For all your Funk, Soul and R&B needs, my man Dick will chauffeur you around his legendary store in San Francisco. Lower Haters!!!

You are Pulp. Youre quite popular as most people
find it easy to relate to you. You can be a
little eccentric at times, but this only makes
you more endearing to the people around you.
You refuse to conform - people tend to change
to suite you and you plan to keep it that way.

Which Britpop Band Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I like to dance to the 60's R&B 45's. Can you find me in the picture below?


You are Dorothy Zbornak! Yes, that name
is the legacy of the man that screwed you over,
but no matter! Your smarts and quick wit can
not only get you through, but get you to the
top of any situation!

Which Golden Girl Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


and I obsess...


sure they pimp me out, but who can blame them???

My Blog

Tigers looking good this spring

I'm excited about life right now. I just bought tickets to see Morrissey at the Paramount Theatre in May. I'm also happy to know that there is going to be a new Beastie Boys record coming out this sum...
Posted by Kim Nam-joo on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 12:24:00 PST

beat the press

I haven't written here in a minute. Not much been happening, just spending loads of time reading superdenim on supertalk and getting to know sonoma pinots on an intimate level. I've become a dedicated...
Posted by Kim Nam-joo on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:10:00 PST

Europe Tour - Summer 2007

I'm going to be revisiting the Costa Brava in a few months, not quite nailed down on dates yet, but hopefully I'll be able to meet some of my friends in Catalan for a spell. Let me know if you have an...
Posted by Kim Nam-joo on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 01:23:00 PST

Please Save NPR and PBS

Please Save NPR and PBS by clicking on this link!
Posted by Kim Nam-joo on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 12:37:00 PST

controlling my mutant power

I tried to post this so many hours ago. All I wanted to do was tell you all about my Chicken & Waffles experience and now it seems like a pointless thing to do. right now i'm trying to watch XMen 3 an...
Posted by Kim Nam-joo on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 01:40:00 PST

cytherea get out of my head, please!!!

apparently, having two ipods isn't good enough for me anymore. I purchased my first white gem in march of 2004 and then I bought this big black behemoth of an ipod in november of 2005. I'm on pace to ...
Posted by Kim Nam-joo on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 03:40:00 PST

Margo Stilley interview go bye bye from the frontline

Ever since Christmas 1999, I've been a fan. Some things you just have to wait until a certain age until you can understand what the shit is all about. I didn't like beets when I was a little boy and I...
Posted by Kim Nam-joo on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 02:31:00 PST

Sam Lanin and his famous players

I've been listening to Prince all morning. I've never had a day where that's happened before. I wonder if something is going on with me in some sort of internal struggle kind of way. Probably not, but...
Posted by Kim Nam-joo on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 11:17:00 PST

Elgin Avenue Breakdown

Duck fat makes everything taste better. I don't know why and I don't care. I'll eat the stuff until I become a fucking duck; it's that good. If I could make one request before my life as a duck ends, ...
Posted by Kim Nam-joo on Sat, 02 Dec 2006 11:47:00 PST

what would i do if i just hated and did nothing to change it

i've been listening to jean grae so thanks to her for giving me something to think about. it's funny she talks about eating thanksgiving without saying grace. i remember the last thanksgiving i had wi...
Posted by Kim Nam-joo on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 02:49:00 PST