Spinning lollipop of doom profile picture

Spinning lollipop of doom

You out of touch? I'm out of time!

About Me

Eating the batter is better than eating the cake itself. I love licking the mayonnaise spatula. I can't believe is not butter is my spread and Lindt chocolate is one of my best friends. Extremely religious people freak me out. Actually, extremists of any kind freak me out. People can be so full of it! It's just life, HELLO!!! I easily forget but I never forgive. I just don't understand why people keep on hurting others. I guess I'm one of the few who still have faith that things will change for the better. War sucks. I'm a hopeless romantic and I daydream on a daily basis. So many cool things happen in my head, I really wish I could bring some of you in it. Well, some of you have... I'm on Myspace for the same reason as most of you, to put up a little shrine for myself. We need the attention, don't we? However, I'm a bit upset about reading and hearing in so many places that 30+ year olds shouldn't be on Myspace. Excuse me, but when I joined almost 3 years ago, nobody was here. There was a mere 15 million back then. Joey never even heard of it and he was 15 then. Does anyone know how old Tom is? This is a place for everybody, so to all the stupid kids who think they'll never get old: Fuck you you fucking fuck! Aging is so fuckin awesome! If I only knew then what I know now... Shit!! Manners... ahhhh... so good to have... but language.... so fuckin great to swear! I fucking love it and I see nothing wrong with it. Will someone please tell me why swearing is still taboo? God damn!! I wear my fingerless gloves even inside the house. I'm addicted to water, sunscreen and Agatha Ruiz de la Prada lip balms. I shun the sun. I enjoy immensely spending time with my partner and my few good friends. I'm way too social, even bums talk to me. I wish I had the drive to be a politician, because I sure do have the personality. Traveling is really important to me. I don't understand how some people have never left the States and gone to see the world. I also don't understand how people live in a pigsty. Toilets with black wrings, months of dust, hair, clothes all over the floor. Dude, you are seriously fucked up!! Put down the booze and get help! Fast!! I think smoking is ridiculous, even dou I do it a few times/ week. It's trashy and just plain stupid. I hope I can quit entirely in the near future. I'm brutally honest. Always. I can't stand posers. But the good thing is that little by little they are exiting my life. I will put you in your place and you know it. If you're not my friend it's probably because I told you like it is and you didn't like it. I don't play games. I'm worth all my weight. Happiness to me is having a stocked refrigerator. I know my life is balanced when there's plenty bud light, cokes, red bull and frappuccinos in there. Gotta have lotsa cheese, and bread and red meat. I love bloody beef. My favorite thing in the world is brazilian style bbq, bloody as fuck. I'll pour the blood all over my white rice and eat like a hungry hyena. I'm going to fucking hell!! See you there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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My Interests

Hanging out with this guy BMWs, Rubber duckies Working out, doing yoga, walking the dogs in the hills of Mill Valley, Being a mom(a lot of work but actually cooler than you think!) Traveling, Hanging out, Listening to good music & Laughing, Havin people over... Clear stuff. I have the coolest wallet in the world! I really want that Channel bag! Can anyone spare $1,889?? Oh, and collectin melmac of course!!

I'd like to meet:

James Purefoy, James Carrey and James.


It's very simple: I don't like country and I don't like rap. I just don't like crap. Here are some bands dat make me happy: Pink Floyd, Kate Bush, Jeff Buckley The Mars Volta, ABBA, PJ Harvey, Queens of the stone Age, Supertramp, Neil Young, Smiths, Sisters of Mercy, Joy Division, Mission Uk, Cure, Midnight Oil, Police, Stone Roses, Talking Heads, Cars, Days of the New Megadeath, Black Sabbath, Bauhauss, Zucchero, Eros Ramazotti, Carboni, Raf, Marina, Ritchie, Planet Hemp, Chico Science, Skank, Biquini Cavadao, Chrome Johnson, Mad Hannans, The Shins, Death Cab for Cutie, 20 Minute Loop, Youngbloods, Jesse Colin Young, da White Stripes, Fixx, New Order, Cat Stevens, Kehoe Nation, Wolfmother, Pinback, Scrunt, Eagles of Death Metal, Bfitty twos, The The, Peter Gabriel, The Cons & NATHAN PAINE who's absolutely incredible and my favorite artist for almost 29 months! check him out:http://www.contacthighmusic.com/np_artist.html


I am probably the only person on earth who hasn't seen Titatic, or the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I avoid the movies like the plague, but I love Omega Man
(insiders joke, you have to see the movie to get it!!) However, I can't fight it every time so, every now and then I give in and see a new flick(new to me, light years old for Yoda!) Here are the ones I was very glad to see: The Wall, The Hunger, The Lost Boys, Footloose, Omega Man, Clash of the Titans, The Good the Bad & the Ugly, all the other Spaghetti Westerns Clint was in, Dirty Dancing, Run Lola Run Pulp Fiction, Rescuers down under, City of God, The life Aquatic, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Breakfast Club, Hedwig and the angry inch & da remake of Gone in 60 seconds - I LOOOVE THE SOUNDTRACK -There's a movie called Cristiane F or something like that. It came out when I was 13 I think. You had to be 18 to go. I got dressed up to look older and never made it in... twice!! I still haven't seen it. I know I can rent it, i looked at it a bunch of times at Video Droid... I'm just trying to see how long I can go... it's been 22 years!!


Television has proven that people will look at anything rather than each other. Don't have time & don't care! Grew up w/ 3 channels & had to get up to change 'em! So I really don't know what happened on tv from 1970 til 1991!! (but i gotta say that back in its hayday-and when i got up- I loved Mac Guyver & Wonder Woman)I still don't watch the tube much, but if I ever do, I'm probably watching "JIMMY NEUTRON", "SPONGE BOB" & "THAT 70's SHOW", Red rules!! Ps: Just saw FEAR FACTOR for da 1st time on 11/15/04 : STUPIDEST SHOW IVE EVER SEEN!! GEEZ,PEOPLE!!


Used to read those!! Reading is awesome. I really wish I had time to do dat again!! I would like to recommend "The Sicilian" by Mario Puzzo. Same dude who wrote da "Godfather" Awesome story, read it 3X.Magazines suck but I am addicted to "seventeen"... I know, grow up already!! But really, where else can I look at clothes for people my body and attitude????!!!!!!!!!


Ultra Lord and Clint Eastwood.

My Blog

Words of wisdom by Lupe

Mommy Dearest says: "Don't ever date a guy who doesn't have a car". All my friends that did, broke up eventually. The only exception: he lives in a big city or has a motorcycle.  
Posted by Lucy Rose on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 07:09:00 PST

I thought I was gonna die..........

......... without ever seeing The Police live, but we got tickets!!!!!!!!!!!! FIELD TICKETS!! Fuckin A, fuck, I'm happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Lucy Rose on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 03:08:00 PST

Ode to da Breakfast Club

  Dear Mr. Vernon... we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. What we did WAS wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write ...
Posted by Lucy Rose on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 06:56:00 PST

You get the drill... copy and paste & fill da blanks...

Hello, my name is _______.I _______ Luciana.Luciana is _______.Luciana and I are _______.I wish Luciana and I were _______.If I were alone in a room with Luciana, I would _______.I want...
Posted by Lucy Rose on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 11:39:00 PST

Bands asking me to be friends, read this!!

Don't waste your time with me!! Unless you know me personally, I will not accept you. Get over it and try the other 46,000,000 people on this thing. Ciao!!
Posted by Lucy Rose on Sat, 07 Jan 2006 06:44:00 PST

Holy Smokes!!

I quit smokin!!!!!!!! Wasn't plannin on it, was sick w/ da flu & couldn't really puff so I decided to see how long I could go... it's been 10 days!! God help me....... cuz I don't trust myself.....
Posted by Lucy Rose on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST