francesca is the new fuck you profile picture

francesca is the new fuck you


About Me

i was born in new york city and raised in pasadena. i have an amazing family full of artists, writers, teachers, chefs, photographers, and designers. i love, love, love reading and writing...i can take or leave the 'rithmetic. i pride myself on my quick wit and ability to get along with just about anyone...except bigots and snobs and assholes. i liked making dirt tacos and trying to sell them instead of lemonade when i was a kid (did you know red geraniums make a great garnish?). i also used to plant chewing gum thinking it would grow into a glorious gum tree. i have a good heart (as in, it beats properly). i am stubborn as molasses in the dead of winter but i'm working on that. i'm also whatever floats your boat is cool with me as long as you ain't hurtin' nobody! i pretty much work, hang out with my friends and family, write poetry, draw, cuddle with my french bulldog, drink amstel light, wear sneakers whenever i can, and act a fool.
i graduated from loyola marymount in 1999 with a bachelor's degree in illustration. i then went on to makeup school and have been working as a makeup artist ever since.
i have worked with many musicians including rocco deluca and the burden, simple plan, lifehouse, the killers, bowling for soup, good charlotte, motley crue, ima robot, duran duran, hellogoodbye, ross copperman, ron sexsmith, test your reflex, mayday parade, lil chris, bone thugs n harmony, cypress hill, trapt, faber drive, mc lars, brick and lace, jessie baylin, max morgan, sierra swan...
my commercial clients include nike, windstream, bud light, sony, partnership for a drug free america, boys and girls club of america, made clothing,
my work and i have been featured on and the hills for mtv, america's next top model, the janice dickinson modeling agency (oxygen), platinum weddings (we), celebrity cooking showdown (nbc), live like a star (fox), extra!...
my artistry has appeared in nylon, ok!, the knot...
i have painted the faces of lydia hearst, molly sims, kate walsh, bijou phillips, vanessa trump, lauren conrad, audrina patridge, heidi montag, whitney port, amy brenneman, claudia mason, pell james, vinessa shaw, tara lipinski, frances fisher...
i have had the pleasure of working with directors such as frank borin, benny boom, p.r. brown, matthew gray gubler, hugo cariss, dan levinson, michael martin, marco de la torre...and amazing photographers including jesse dylan, steven meisel, james minchin, mark mann, christopher ewers, olmsteadschlotter...
press play to see a small sampling of my work below...

a href=

My Interests

art, drawing, creating, connecting, music, old clothes with a story, fashion, reading, tattoos, writing poetry, french bulldogs, cutting up clothes, crazy nights out with my friends at hole in the wall kinda places, laying on my bed and staring out my window at the trees, honesty, transformation, telling funny stories, calling it like i see it, debating, philosophizing, singing along to everything, learning from others, laughing, crying, stories that move me, people who move me, old textbooks from history and geography to home economics, karaoke, finding typos and improper grammar in any printed work, my ironic aversion to capital letters, extra dirty ketel one martinis from anywhere and margaritas on the rocks from casa vega in the valley, architecture, art in strange places, anything from the past, getting a coffee on a sunday afternoon, the underlying reason, truth, not having to rush, colors, gloomy weather, sunny weather, sleeping in and also getting up early, beating myself up and then forgiving myself for being so unforgiving of myself, giving others the advice i should be taking, magazines of all kinds, scouring antique shops for cheap, hidden treasures so i can hold on to little pieces of history.

I'd like to meet:

andy warhol, chet baker, david bowie, paul westerberg, e.e.cummings...i seem to have developed crushes on the dead, gay, and real life, i like honest people who have integrity and can laugh at life and themselves, do what they love, inspire, create...and most importantly, i like people who are kind and smart and have big hearts.

below is one of the many videos i have done with bowling for soup. this stands out as my all time favorite. it was a one day shoot in the middle of august on a 100 degree day with five full makeup changes on four guys...the final performance scene brings a smile to my face every time...


air, chet baker, the replacements, portishead, the wallflowers, brmc, madness, cold war kids, ryan adams, roxy music, grant lee buffalo, beck, elvis perkins, killers, shins, arcade fire, robert johnson, tv on the radio, interpol, the cars, rocco deluca, operation ivy, no doubt, ani difranco, bauhaus, esthero, the yeah yeah yeahs, moby, david bowie, anything 80's, tears for fears, the english beat, the cars, elliot smith, dinosaur jr, fiona apple, the smiths, talking heads, the pretenders, dubstar, siouxsie, billy talent, sierra swan, beck, radiohead, rolling stones, hepcat, joy division, jessie baylin, tori amos, morrissey, bad religion, billie holiday, sarah vaughn, ella fitzgerald, cat stevens makes me cry, neil young and bob dylan kinda make me cry too, nat king cole singing christmas carols brings me back to five years old again, the blues make me feel sexy, beast of burden is quite possibly the best song of all time, anything that can bring me to tears or a smile to my face...and the list goes on...and on...and on...


the goonies, to kill a mockingbird, mr. smith goes to washington, adaptation, lost in translation, the royal tenenbaums, as good as it gets, a beautiful life, clueless, a white christmas, sixth sense, a room with a view, bringing up baby, the english patient, amelie, a very long engagement, gummo, the wizard of oz, seven, the hudsucker proxy, eternal sunshine..., the old charlie and the chocolate factory, american beauty, arsenic and old lace, big fish is a moving fairy tale, actually anything tim burton does is cool by me, the wedding singer, woody allen movies, anything starring gregory peck, doris day or cary grant (another one of my dead crushes).


six feet under (r.i.p.), big love, antiques roadshow, seinfeld, entourage, top chef, project runway, forensic shows on the discovery channel, nip/tuck, oprah, vh1's best week ever...i am trying to cut down on the television watching. it really is a waste of time.


anything by the hilarious david sedaris (sometimes i am embarrassed to read his shit in public because i laugh so hard out loud), running with scissors, eatpraylove, hermann hesse especially siddhartha and demian, dostoevsky's the idiot, catcher in the rye, books on the "banned" table at borders, poetry by e.e. cummings and w.b. yeats, to kill a mockingbird, the lovely bones, tooth imprints on a corn dog, don't know much about the bible (highly recommended if you grew up catholic and never thought any of it made sense...this book will prove you were right), the art books of the clayton brothers, mark ryden, and edward gorey.


my mom for raising me and my sis all on her own and running a business at the same time, dwight harmon for teaching me that art cannot be defined, only created...and anyone who inspires and puts a footprint in this world.

My Blog

to whom it may concern

to whom it may concern...i must remember the factthat i cannot go backto the days when worries were few.where the wind brushed my skinand the love i was inwas with daddy so handsome and blue.when the ...
Posted by francesca is the new fuck you on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 08:20:00 PST


if i had just wept a little earlierit would have been just rain.instead i swallowed down the tearsto make a sea of pain.drop by drop they pitter-patteredback inside my heartdrowning out its sullen rhy...
Posted by francesca is the new fuck you on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 10:14:00 PST

1 bed + 1 bath

apartment huntingsucksbigfatdonkeyballs.
Posted by francesca is the new fuck you on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 04:51:00 PST

tag! you’re it.

damn, i just wanna swallow you you all up and then lick the fuckin bowl.and when i am done i'll just be starving again.but i will be patient and i'll count to ten.1...2...3...4...this makes ...
Posted by francesca is the new fuck you on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 02:46:00 PST

SWF seeks something

i hope home is where the heart is.otherwise, i'm a girl with no home.shove me into a crowdand i'd still feel all alone.i can't quite put my finger on it...i guess i am adriftand homesick for a hometha...
Posted by francesca is the new fuck you on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 02:26:00 PST

nine lives are eight too many

i must have died a million times.and finallyit stuck.beaten to a pulpso numbi didn't give a fuck.the lives that we once livedare goingand they've faded.the body that you loved isthe woman that i've ha...
Posted by francesca is the new fuck you on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 11:23:00 PST

no one sings me lullabies

i made my bed so goddamned cornersand sheets bleach white.i tucked and i pulled.i folded and fluffed.i prayed that perfectionwould be good enough.i lay my head downon my pillow so clean...
Posted by francesca is the new fuck you on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 07:55:00 PST


lucidlinen crinkleswhite and crispserene.fingers grasp at nothing-hold on to where we've been.lips cling to lipssteeped in saddened blurs my vision.what is it that i've missed?skin smothers...
Posted by francesca is the new fuck you on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 09:47:00 PST

little-eral meanings

1. when i was little my mom would ask me why i had such a chip on my shoulder. i wouldn't respond because honestly, i thought she was going crazy. i inspected both my shoulders and i never saw any ...
Posted by francesca is the new fuck you on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 01:21:00 PST

d day

i was sitting on the floor of my sister's bedroom. we lived in a spanish house with hardwood floors and arched doorways. it was built in pasadena in 1929. there was a gate on the side that mom said...
Posted by francesca is the new fuck you on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 09:21:00 PST