zac a! tac profile picture

zac a! tac

things go better with a little bit of razzamatazz

About Me

holy crap! i made a website.
it has my artwork on it
(you should go check it out. right now.)
i am a wannabe artist in the body of a corporate whore.
i have been mistaken for a swedish tourist.
i like to break my ipod (on no. 3).
i own three old typewriters.
i rock the pais, but not curly like my neighbors.
i rarely wash my hair.
i can make it snow like in the breakfast club.
i design bridges for a living.
i have a boy crush on jarvis cocker.
i own a hard hat, but not a bicycle helmet.
i wear white after labor day.
i have a painting studio thats bigger than my bedroom.
i am the lead singer of a fake band called 'binary'.
i like to go outside at bars to smoke, but i don't smoke.
i have to see tom jones in las vegas before he dies.
i don't own a winter coat, i would rather wear 8 layers.
i prefer mittens over gloves.
i eat a peanut butter sandwich every day.
i sweat bleach (well, according to my friends).
i cut my own hair.
i will probably die an early death of second hand smoke.
i named my bicycle bella.
i had a bicycle named stella (now retired).
i walk fast, even when i have no place to go.
i have an irrational fear of umbrellas.
i wear a button that says "i take drugs seriously"
i continuously lose said button.
i (or other people) somehow continuously find said button.
i need to learn how to do the mash potato.
i am a nerd.
i have a sleeve (work in progress devoted to the fibonacci sequence.
i know its hip to be square, but...
i would rather be a very specific type of a rectangle.
rub a dub dub 6 boys in a kiddie pool.
wait....thats not how the nursery rhyme goes.

in the desert
i saw a creature, naked, bestial,
who, squatting upon the ground
held his heart in his hands,
and ate of it.
i said, "is it good, friend?"
"it is bitter-bitter," he answered;
"but i like it
because it is bitter,
and because it is my heart."
-stephen crane
please take note of:
1. the infamous " i take drugs seriously pin " (the one with the red triangle)
2. the fact that i always look like i seriously do take drugs

My Interests

serenading cute girls,
making records skip,
cutting hair at 6am.
looking at pretty pictures in magazines,
bicycles with no brakes,
amazingly white sweatshirts,
playing in my underoos,
painting on the floor,
standing in dark corners,
being mistaken for a mod faggot,
sewing pieces of fabric together with a swedish sewing machine,
smoking candy cigarettes,
pastries especially those of the cinnamon variety,
making fun of people cooler than me
eating nerds (the people not the candy)

I'd like to meet:

someone who can teach me the mash potato.

who needs to meet anyone, when i have these kids.


bands i sing to cute girls:

bands that make me ejaculate prematurely:

current music obession:

a sampling of all the rest:
we are wolves,
chuck berry,
elvis presley,
the kinks,
le shok,
gang of four,
les georges leningrad,
stereo total,
arab on radar,
lighting bolt,
pink and brown,
xiu xiu,
the sounds,
experimental dental school,
the cramps,
blood brothers,
explosions in the sky,
godspeed you! black emperor,
keiji haino,
black eyes,
neon blonde,
mr. bungle,
boo radleys,
cibo matto,
pizzicato 5,
in my eyes,
dusty springfield,
the flesh,
the faint,
the (international) noise conspiracy,
jaga jazzist,
tom waits,
joy division,
the kills,
the moldy peaches,
le tigre,
murder by death,
ms. john soda,
neutral milk hotel,
velvet underground,
red light sting,
the unicorns,
ugh im tired of writing band names


elementary school science movies in 16mm.


cancelled sitcom re-runs.


everybody poops.
are you my mother?


Those who I would jump off a bridge for if they told me too:

Jarvis Cocker

Dennis Lyxzén

Gerry Roslie

they are called hoagies...
not heros

and a philly cheese steak...
can only be gotten in philly.