Alessio Hate Crew profile picture

Alessio Hate Crew

God is Great!!!......Satan is Super!!!

About Me

I'm the singer of HATECREW a melodic death metal band, influenced by Children Of Bodom,Drak Tranquillity and Old In Flames. And I'm the singer of Vision of Sorrow another symphonic..melodic death metal band influenced by eternal tears of sorrow,dimmu borgir and a touch of progressive like Opeth. I love sex beers and metal, and I hate pop music, hip hop , italian music but expeccialy poser, and false metal people!!! KILL THE POSERS!!! THANK YOU DISSECTION(R.I.P.)FOR ALL INSPIRATION!!!! href=""

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My Interests

Medicine, Black Metal,Death Metal,Scream!!! Emperor - Inno A Satana (Wacken 2006)

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I'd like to meet:

North people and the black metal atmosphere, the forest, the sea, the frost and the darkness of the true black metal people


Black Metal, Death Metal, Thrash Metal,Swedish Death,the bands i love are too much.But One Of The Best Band I Know is DELIRIUM X TREMENS


The Lord Of The Rings 1,2,3; The Army Of Darkness, Blade 1,2,3; All the vampire films, and the old horror films.




The lord of the rings, warhammer books ,warhamme 40k books


alexy laiho, james hetfield, natterfrost,Varg,Shagrath, Jon Nodtveidt(R.I.P.),Lemmy, Kay Hansen ,Glenn Benton,Hellhammer, Feranando Ribeiro, Mattew Barlow,Tompa,Legion ,Emperor Magnus Caligula ecc.