Trefor Goronwy profile picture

Trefor Goronwy

What more can I say?

About Me

Trefor Goronwy joined This Heat in 1982 to replace Gareth Williams as bassist/vocalist after the latter had quit the band, and played on their last European tour. After a brief hiatus, he and Stephen Rickard joined Charles Hayward in the studio to work on what was originally to be a Hayward solo project. As things progressed the venture took on more and more of a collaborative nature, and the recordings were ultimately released as Meridian by Camberwell Now . Several years and several recordings later, when the band finally split up, Trefor withdrew into himself somewhat, recording and making increasingly infrequent live performances under a variety of names, often producing an entirely new set of work which would only ever be performed on one occasion. Soon he began to work as a sound technician, which would lead on to involvements with artists such as Pere Ubu, Momus, The Band of Holy Joy, David Thomas and the Two Pale Boys, Spearmint (in an earlier incarnation), and Towering Inferno, among others. Early on in this period Trefor went on several tours of the former Soviet Union, and it was during one of these tours that he realised that he was more interested in the language, culture and history of the countries themselves than in what he was supposed to be doing, so he decided to enrol on a degree course in Russian Studies in London. Another consequence of his travels was his subsequent involvement with the Tuvan musicians, Huun-Huur-Tu after meeting Albert Kuvezin (now of Yat-Kha) in a bar in Novosibirsk, Siberia, during a music festival. They exchanged telephone numbers and agreed to meet up should either end up in the other’s neck of the woods (which seemed like a remote possibility at the time). Soon, however Huun-Huur-Tu found themselves in Wales, having represented Tuva at the International Eisteddfod in Llangollen, and a call was made. They had time to kill and nowhere to go and Trefor had a spare room in London. He also had access to a 24-track studio which was unbooked for a weekend. The recordings they made were touted around, and were ultimately released as Huun-Huur-Tu’s first album, Sixty Horses in My Herd. On their departure, the Tuvans left behind a somewhat battered igil, which Trefor eventually restored and began to play. This led to an interest in the possibilities of Asian spike-fiddles in general (to which category both the igil and the erhu (which he had already been playing in Camberwell Now)) belong. After three years spent living in Moscow, Trefor returned to London, and, having married a citizen of Kazakhstan, it was only a matter of time before he added a kobyz (a relative of the Tuvan igil) to his collection. Trefor has been making recordings prominently featuring these instruments for some time, and the first results of these endeavours are at last appearing here.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/7/2007
Band Members: Trefor Goronwy
Record Label: none
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Having finally woken up to the importance of maintaining a web presence elsewhere (other than here) I've just set up a Last FM page.  Basically this consisted of everything that I could copy and ...
Posted by Trefor Goronwy on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 05:28:00 PST


After a number of requests for the songs on this page to be made LOUDER I have decided to stop being such a devotee of dynamics (for the present purpose only) and have NORMALISED and COMPRESSED the li...
Posted by Trefor Goronwy on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 09:31:00 PST

New(?) song posted

Almost two months to the day, and the song I hastily withdrew has finally(?) been remade and has been reposted.  Time.... it'll get us all in the end, and no mistake. Contrary to appearances a lo...
Posted by Trefor Goronwy on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 02:22:00 PST

One song now downloadable

After a number of requests I've decided it can't do any real harm in the grand scheme of things (we're all going to die / planet Earth will be consumed by the sun / the universe will implode...
Posted by Trefor Goronwy on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 12:20:00 PST


We all make hasty decisions from time to time, but yesterday I made something of a mistake.  You’ll be glad to hear (maybe) that the song I posted has now been removed and will be subjecte...
Posted by Trefor Goronwy on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 06:06:00 PST

So what exactly are these instruments?

There's been a certain amount of curiosity of late regarding some of the instruments featured here, so I've put some pictures of them up ("My Pics" or whatever it's called).  If you want to find ...
Posted by Trefor Goronwy on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 01:44:00 PST

Non-existent instruments and questions of identity and Happy New Year

Well, the holiday season is taking its toll, and I can't see me doing anything very meaningful for the next week or so (unless you consider the opportunity for a bit of good cheer and catching up with...
Posted by Trefor Goronwy on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 03:32:00 PST

MySpace as MyWorld

I've been putting quite a lot of energy and time into this thing for a while now, and it seems to me a lot of you have too, but what happens when it just.....shuts........down? Time for bed, Till the ...
Posted by Trefor Goronwy on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 01:45:00 PST

less than reckless

..> ..> At least no-one can say that I don't know myself and my ways.  Since the last (first!) blog entry I have indeed removed and replaced a track.  If you didn't get there in the fi...
Posted by Trefor Goronwy on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 11:35:00 PST

Feeling reckless

Just wanted to say that I really do feel that reworking and redoing things and fiddling with things that aren't quite right and rethinking what I'm doing and trashing everything and starting all over ...
Posted by Trefor Goronwy on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 06:04:00 PST