These are the bands I had the chance to play in:
- Sleepy Lili (Belgium , 2000-2005) : lo-fi rock duet
- L’ego (Belgium/Luxembourg , 1998-2005) : indie rock trio
- Skinett Putes (Belgium/France , 2003-2005) : electro noise impro trio
- Ahorita (Belgium , 2006-2007) : freenoise psychedelic quartet
Since july 2007, I am drumming with Doctor and Nurse (metal / alternative trio).
I am also rehearsing with three guitar players and one actress for an experimental play, "Le Mort" by Georges Bataille, who’s work has been fascinating me for years. It’s a long term project...
Pipi Chocolat is the name that I use for gluings and dj set (rock noise punk experimental riot grrrl style).
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