MGO foto profile picture

MGO foto

Exhibition Extended! (Bar Vinyl, Camden NW1)

About Me

My name is...Joe Whitney~photographer, graphic designer,musician and illustrator. MGO Photography and Design aims to bring two decades of my images to your screens at the click of a terrified mouse! The beautiful, the hideous, the threatening and threatened will line up with confident creatives and hopelessly ruined, sweaty desperadoes. Some of the bands I play in you will find in my top friends should you wish to take a listen, not forgetting my "MGOart" illustration page~Now..please..enjoy..for..all..eternity...!DITA VON TEESE 2000 "THE NIGHT PORTER" NYC 2007 THE FLAMING STARS Nuremberg 2001 You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !