Fans of Billy Childish, people curious about his work who want to learn more, bands, writers, poets and artists in a similar style to Billy
Billy Childish's latest musical incarnation is:Previous musical ventures of Billy have been: The Buff Medways and The Chatham Singers, the latter two pictured below. Billy has also been in various other bands including Thee Milkshakes, Thee Mighty Ceasars and Thee Headcoats. visit for more information on all bands. Latest Release from Damaged Goods, ..My First Billy Childish Album':Billy is also a member of The Chatham Singers:* One of Billys former bands Thee Headcoats:* Another of Billys former bands, the legendary The Milkshakes:* Nurse Julie of The Musicians Of The British Empire and The Chatham Singers is also in The Buffets:
..Billy Childish Is Dead' by director Graham Bendel and made by Cherry Red Films ( Documentary featuring interviews with Billy, live concert footage, and an exploration of all Billys artistic and musical creation. Available from or for about £13.
Billy has written many books of poetry and 3 novels. Most of these are available from as well as Amazon etc. One of Billys latest books, and my personal favourite is:*A recent anthology of Billys poetry, his most popular on Amazon:*The comical and surreal adventures of William Loveday, I love this book:*..Paintings of a Backwater Visionary', a book with a wide selection of Billys art, lots of early photos of him in his studio, and loads of great biographical info. Get this from, or visit the gallery at 10, Woburn Place, London, close to Euston Station: *An autobiographial novel, loved by a lot of other fans that I've spoken to:*..Knite Of The Sad Face', available in limited edition from book of Woodcuts, ..Thoughts Of A Hangman - Woodcuts By Billy Hamper AKA Billy Childish':
At the very least, I believe Billy is a fan of Vincent Van Gogh and Kurt Schwitters.