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Choir & Orchestra HORKESTAR

About Me

* could a choir be self-organized outside schools, churches and cultural artistic associations? * could a choir gather even people with bad ear?* could a choir be also critical apart from occasional?* could a choir anull the hierarchic-professional classification and produce by itself conductors and composers?* could a choir finance itself?* could a choir re-establish the Utopian processes of the “new form of collective”?* could the chorus music openly cherish different heritage of the pop culture, ranging from recital to chanson, from hard-core to…?* could a choir also be engaged in (self)education and various forms of social activism?* could a choir be engaged in development of political awereness by breaking civil prejudices?* could a choir be engaged in breaking of political prejudices by developing civil spirit consciousness?* could a choir exceed implied belonging to the music art scene and conduct a visual and stage experiment?* could a choir make performance even outside the academic space?* could a choir skip local cultural-passive rules and become recognized internationally?

Jedem ti malter (I'm eating your plaster)

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Member Since: 4/5/2007
Band Website: horkeskart.org.yu
Band Members: cca. 30 vocals in the choir + 5 instruments in the band
Influences: You name it - we absorb it, and make it into something new.
Sounds Like: Voice of the people.
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Kako nam je bilo sa Markom Breceljom i u Vrbasu

Kako nam je bilo sa Markom Breceljom i u Vrbasu Koncert sa Markom Breceljom u Domu omladine Sa Markom nas je povezao Dragan Ambrozic, i obojica su izrazili veliku ~elju da uvelicamo pro...
Posted by horkestar on Wed, 30 May 2007 07:38:00 PST

Kako nam je bilo u MSU, Graf.kol i. I NS-u

Kako nam je bilo u MSU, Graf.kol i. I NS-u Muzej savremene umetnosti Kiaa i teako vreme, sasvim pogodno za besmisleno lencarenje i vrlo nepogodno za burni vikend koji je za nama. Mi smo ga nekako p...
Posted by horkestar on Thu, 24 May 2007 09:40:00 PST

Kako je bilo prvog maja

Kako je bilo prvog maja   Prvog maja bili smo pozvani da ucestvujemo u deaavanju u organizaciji Inicijative mladih. Akcija je bila - dani Sarajeva u Beogradu. U poslednje vreme nismo bili pu...
Posted by horkestar on Fri, 04 May 2007 07:25:00 PST