lutajuci dj zdena profile picture

lutajuci dj zdena

About Me

bio ne bio! (bi no bi!) albumi (albums): lutajuci dj zdena - spanski brijac (wanderin dj zdena - spanish razorblade)/// cudnovati dj zdena - umetnost umetanja (wonderin' dj zdena - art of inserting)/// ocarani dj zdena - sora z vetrenjacama (fascinatin' dj zdena - a fight with windmills)/// napuknuti dj zdena - zadnja luknja na svirali (crackin' dj zdena - a last hole on a whistle)/// ja dj zdena - tebi i tvojima (I dj zdena - to you and yours)/// urokani dj zdena - ni vrit ni mimo (rockin' dj zdena - nor in the ass nor near)/// srecnuti dj zdena - babilonac (flukin' dj zdena - babylonian)/// zalutali dj zdena - u potragi za povratnom informacijom (strayin' dj zdena - in a search for returnable information)/// fuckin dj zdena - pretending to be an englishman

My Interests


Member Since: 11/24/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: zdenko frantic
Influences: willie dixon, prederemte, alan vega, horace andy, satan panonski, maksim gorki, franz kafka, funkadelic, mc 5, king tubby, lee scratch perry, sly & robbie, bo diddley, chuck berry, mark smith, johnny thunders, residents, lou reed, mickey jupp, hound dog taylor, john lee hooker, al perry, marc mylar, flamin' groovies, termiti, goribor, studio "zelena zona", african head charge, wayne/jayne county, junior kimborugh, joe callicot, andre williams, roy loney, crime, green fandango, xxx, wipers, wire, yello, clock dva, bill laswel, fela kuti, x, etc.
Sounds Like: nobody
Record Label: Slusaj najglasnije! (Listen Loudest!)

My Blog

13. bombing of new york

3 d bolnica (novi sad, bor, srdzbija)....72 desperate rebels (sierra leone)....85 bears (london)....absinthe flow (beograd)....acton (celje)....ainnu (subotica) perry (tucson)....amperomat (celj...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 04:11:00 GMT

netizen radio

odlicni radio = great radio station
Posted by on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 13:41:00 GMT

12. bombardiranje njujorka = 12. bombing of new york

12. bombardiranje njujorka..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 12. bombing of new york ae (zrenjanin) al perry (tucson) ante perkovic (zagreb) a.p.a.t.t. (liverpo...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 14:24:00 GMT


You can now listen to the song Vani Nate on the Weirdsville podcast:
Posted by on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 15:15:00 GMT

10. bombardiranje njujorka = 10. bombing of new york

10. bombardiranje njujorka = 10. bombing of new york..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> acaid (rijeka) aggresive snail attack (rijeka) al perry (tucson) american ...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 08:22:00 GMT

slusaj najglasnije! katalog = listen loudest! catalogue

zdenko franjic, teakovec 27c, 1oo9o zagreb, croatia " [email protected] ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> gramofonske ploce/12" lp records: ..> razni umet...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 12:16:00 GMT

11. bombardiranje njujorka

draga posada! moram vas obavestit da je "11. bombardiranje nju jorka" gotovo. kompilacija je besplatna (hrvatski gradani 10 kuna za poatarinu i pakiranje) posada: dear crew! i must inform you that "1...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 10:06:00 GMT