Beck - Think I'm In Love
Add to My Profile | More VideosMadonna I love new york confessions tour
Add to My Profile | More VideosAntiques, reading, music, concerts, theatre, cars, cute guys who know what they want, swimming, x-country skiing, waterskiing, dancin' muh ass off, guys-wait I already mentioned that;)
Jis forJoyous
Eis forEdgy
Fis forFun
Fis forFriendly
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I'd like to meet:
Someone who grabs life;)
The Cure "Just Like Heaven"
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I'm a sucker for classic movies- film noir, Hitchcock, Ford, Wilder,Wyler, Hawkes, Selznick, Hammer,Kazan, Lean,Peckinpah, Stevens, Sturges, Jewison, Rosenberg, Polanski,Bertolucci, Almodovar, Scorsese, Spielberg, Welles, Kubrick, Leone,Sirk,Whale,Kirk Douglas,Gregory Peck,Montgomery Clift, Joseph Cotton, Marlon Brando, Bogart, Katharine Hepburn, Carey Grant,Randolph Scott, Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, Marlene Dietriche, Audrey Hepburn,Liz Taylor, Lana Turner,Maureen O'Hara, Jack Lemmon,Tony Curtis, Jack Nicholson, Jimmy Stewart,John Wayne, James Dean(easy on the eyes), Marylin Monroe, Ingrid Bergman,Bette Davis,Joan Crawford, Burt Lancaster, Paul Newman,Robert Redford, Steve McQueen= the movies hehe- Some Like it Hot is my favorite comedy.Terms of Endearment is my favorite drama with East of Eden a close 2nd... width="425" height="350".. .. ....The Quiet Man is my favorite John Wayne Movie.My favorite actor is Jack Nicholson, favorite actress runs the gammit- Bette Davis, Katharine Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Jody Foster, Hillary Swank-too many to list. Movies that are gay themed-most of them foreign and indies... width="425" height="350".. .. ....Kinky Boots
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I grew up in the late 60's and the 70's, the Golden Age of television. Avengers, Archie Bunker,
MASH, Mary Tyler Moore,Rhoda, Maude,Phyllis, Bewitched, Good Times, What's Happening, I was a TV junkie while I was growing up, and it made a huge impression on me... width="425" height="350".. .. ....
Actor and Actress bios, Stephen King, Anne Rice, Medieval History, David Sedaris, gay-themed books. Local History
The Beatles, Peanuts, Ronald Reagan, U2, and my grandmother, Margaret Howell Tetor:)