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WM3 London

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Hi, I'm Kat66 and although I have my own site (KAT66UK) , I decided to set this one up so I could have some dedicated space to show my support for West Memphis Three....


This is a fair question and one I think deserves a fair and honest answer. Those who already support the WM3, will have their own take on this, but here is mine…....
Since there is an abundance of information available on why these three young men from Memphis ended up in prison for the torture and murder of three young boys – I will not go into the details of it, instead I would suggest that you go to WWW.WM3.ORG where you can find out all you need to know. The real question is… Why should you care? Well, here are the most obvious reasons:
The investigation was very poorly undertaken, by incompetent officials who had little or no experience in dealing with murder on this scale.
The murder occurred within a “god fearing” community, which attributed to the hysteria, prejudice and outrage that compounded the investigation and put immense pressure on officials to make a quick and speedy arrest to cover up their mistakes in dealing with the case and the crime scene.
The basic human and legal rights of a mentally challenged adolescent were completely flouted, to obtain a confession that was to be the linchpin of the case against himself and two others.
There is a man on death row, awaiting his execution and two others serving a sentence that will incarcerate them for best part of their lives.But is that enough? It is after all a local case in the USA, that happened over 13 years ago and it doesn’t affect me because I don’t live in that state or even live in that country – Right?
Well…. To answer that, you need to understand the injustice of the case and its implications. You see, after all these years, its not the fact that these men were found guilty that is now so disturbing. What is truly disturbing about this case is the fact that even today, the authorities absolutely refuse to even consider the fact that they got it wrong. Which means, they continually refuse to allow these men to have a retrial that, with todays CSI type of scientific testing - would probably enable them to establish their innocence (I say 'probably' because much of the evidence gathered was either contaminated or "lost" - therefore the outcome is by no means certain!).
Times change and people/communities/cultures change. If this murder occurred today, these men would most definitely not be charged with murder. But then, the investigation would be much more thorough and the community would be far more tolerant of the time required by the police to find the real killer! So what are the implications? Well, we claim to live in a civilised society – part of the “western” world, where truth and justice is the keystone of our culture. As westerners, we all live “in the land of the free” - free speech, freedom of expression, freedom to make our own choices and mistakes!
And there lies the key to this case! People are human – even in the westernised world and mistakes are made, accidentally and purposely... everyday! So the fact that these men were charged with this murder in the first place really has become somewhat irrelevant now - since we cannot change the past! What is absolutely relevant today is the fact that no one in power is willing to review this case truthfully and honestly. They are blindly sticking to the original verdict, regardless of the huge volume of evidence that suggests there were major mistakes made. And the sad fact is that this is not an isolated case – there are many others like it in many other states and countries… So why support this one? Well, primarily because the death penalty is still legal in this US state and therefore there is an urgency to this particular case, that may not necessarily apply in others. But also because it symbolises the meaning of one small step for man, being one giant leap for mankind in the western world.
If we are unable to admit and correct our own mistakes, how on earth can we be in a position to judge other countries on their culture, conduct and rule? How can we invade another country on the basis that their rule is cruel, unjust, uncivilised and contravenes the basic human and legal rights of their own people, when we ourselves are unable to address our own local injustices? Doesn’t that smack of hypocrisy?? Are we not guilty of exactly the same things that we are using as reasons to go to war over?
The consequences of this case are far reaching… To execute a man in this day and age, where there is such doubt over the legitimacy of the verdict that has placed him on death row and where all requests for a re-trial have been stubbornly denied is quite simply murder! If we allow this to happen then we are all basically complicit in that murder. Does that sound civilised to you? And what about the people who were involved in this case? It is not the fault of any one individual, so how should we judge those who have contibuted to the arrest of these men? Are we really such an unforgiving society that we could not offer some level of pity and/or understanding towards them.
If we cant, then we completely undermine the moral values that underpin our claim to be “civilised”. And we may even be further damaging the chances of getting these 3 men a retrial - since the fear of retribution is likely to prevent those involved in this case, admitting the mistakes that were made.
Ultimately though, if the execution of Damien Echols takes place without a retrial to review the case honestly and truthfully, then the West Memphis Officials are no better than the many dictators that we as a civilised society abhor. If the US Government turn a blind eye to this case and make no effort to step in – then their rule is no better than that of the people they and many other western countries, have been fighting to overthrow.
And if we as civilised people living in the western world, do nothing about this case, but let it run its course and allow the execution of one man and the continued incarceration of two others – then we forfeit the right to be known as a civilised society – because we do not care enough about justice and the truth to fight for it, enforce it and to challenge those who make mistakes in the name of it……..!!
PLEASE NOTE: This is not a lecture, it is an opinion – my opinion and if you don’t agree with it, then you do have the right and the freedom to check out this case for yourselves and form your own opinion....


"May 5th, 1993 was a Wednesday, and when the Weaver Elementary school bell rang, three 8 year old boys headed home to their nearby West Memphis, Arkansas neighborhood. Only a few hours later they would be reported missing and an informal search by their parents would be under way.
The next afternoon at 1:45 PM, a child's body was pulled from a creek in an area known as Robin Hood Hills. Eventually the bodies of the other two missing children were found nearby. All three of them were naked and they had been tied ankle to wrist with their own shoe laces. The children had been severely beaten, and one child, Christopher Byers, appears to have been the focus of the attack; he had been stabbed repeatedly in the groin area and castrated."

by Burk Sauls

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I'd like to meet:

Damien Echols

Convicted of three counts of Capital Murder and sentenced to Death by Lethal Injection.

Jessie Misskelley

Convicted of First-Degree Murder in the death of Michael Moore and Second-Degree Murder in the deaths of Chris Byers and Steve Branch and sentenced to life in prison plus two twenty-year sentences.

Jason Baldwin

Convicted of three counts of Capital Murder and sentenced to Life in Prison without the possibility of Parole.

** **


HENRY ROLLINS/BLACK FLAG - Songs to Benefit the WM3
FREE THE WM3 - Various Artists
PARADISE LOST - The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills
PARADISE LOST 2 - Revelations
ALMOST HOME by Damien Echols
DEVILS KNOT by Mara Leveritt
Wish Lists:
Michale Graves:
Michale Graves / Damien Echols

"Illusions is a very special album because it truly was an effort that could not have been achieved had it not been from the direct support of its’ fans. When I convinced myself their wasn’t any other option then to record these songs in Arkansas I had to somehow come up with a way to pay for it. The “Three Chords and The Truth Southern Tour” was the first idea I came up with. It would serve three purposes. Raise awareness to generate contributions for the defense fund, raise money for the album and provide practice for the upcoming recording project. As I got closer to Arkansas I realized we weren’t going to have enough money to pay for all the things that needed to be paid for…I had to come up with something quick.
I remembered my wife and I watching a Kevin Smith movie and how she had mentioned that it was a fantastic idea to include all of the “friends” names’ from the movies website in the ending credits to the movie. What a cool way to directly connect the loyal fan base to the actual product. That was the genesis of the idea to reach out to supporters and fans to contribute to the making of the record. For a contribution to the project the person who donates could have there name or band name, or whatever name they want appear on the album’s liner notes. If it hadn’t been for the generous support of the fans… we’d have run out of gas somewhere between Arkansas and New Jersey without a doubt.
Damien Echols wrote lyrics to 6 songs, 5 of which appear on “Illusions”. Those songs are Frost Bite, Wormwood , Nothing, 1000 Cracks of Daylight and Silent Partner. The rest of the album were songs written entirely by me that reflect emotions and events that I felt best fit into the atmosphere of how I was being effected by my participation within the situation.
Some of the titles that I wrote off of “Illusions” are somewhat alarming and I understand why. However, it would be completely unfair to conclude or to assume anything regarding anyone else’s character other then my own based on songs that were not authored by anyone else but me. I made the decision to put those songs on the record, no one else.
Half of all of the profits of this record will go to the effort to free Damien.