^West Memphis Three^ Louisiana Supporters profile picture

^West Memphis Three^ Louisiana Supporters

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About Me

Hello and welcome to all new comers to The West Memphis Three Louisiana Supporters page.
This is for people who would like to learn more about The West Memphis Three and what you can do to help.
We will provide you with information and links to the best sites so that you can take the time to watch, read & learn everything there is to about this case. Are you interested in finding out more about this great injustice of three innocent children who lost their lives? & The three innocent men who lost their freedom?
Well first you need to go to www.wm3.org and introduce yourself to the case and all it's information. I strongly suggest that you may want to watch HBO's Paradise Lost 1 & 2. Many WM3 supporters were introduced to the case from these documentaries which take you from the crime scene to the court room and beyond.
You will learn how shoddy amateur police work led to three so called "outsiders" being accused and later convicted of a crime they didn't commit.
I also suggest reading award winning author Mara Leveritt's novel titled "Devil's Knot - The True Story Of The West Memphis Three".
Aside from wm3.org some other sites that I found interesting & very informative are www.Jivepuppi.com which is a great introduction to newcomers and also www.Callahan.com which has a very impressive legal display of the case from documents & photos to trial transcripts & police interviews & polygraphs. I myself have been learning a lot of new things there.
I urge you to check out all of these avenues of information.
After you do your research return to www.wm3.org and find out all the ways to help and support the wm3 and choose what works best for you.
It's not enough to just be mad about what happened to Jason, Damien & Jessie. We all need to take action. Whether it's writing the guys a letter or buying a book to be sent to them or putting money on their canteen commissary funds. Even putting a wm3 banner on your web page is a huge help because it helps fresh faces learn about the wm3.
I hope this helps you get started and on your way to learning all you need to know. Feel free to contact me with any questions you have. Together we can Free The West Memphis Three.
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Crime scene tests show no DNA link to WM3!!!

Sorry I am a couple of days late with this. I have been out of town. Good news at last for Damien, Jessie and Jason!! The D.N.A results have shown that forensically there is no proof our 3 lads were w...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 04:50:00 GMT

New TV News story of WM3 DNA Testing that may lead to a new trial

Here is a story from Memphis news discussing a meeting at state's forensic lab with lawyers and forensic specialist Micheal Baden about evidence in the WM3 case which may lead to a new tria...
Posted by on Wed, 23 May 2007 09:45:00 GMT

To donate to WM3 Commissary funds (It's real easy)

      Q: What is a Commissary Fund and how do I donate to it? A: The Commissary Funds allow Damien, Jason and Jessie to buy items that most folks take for granted, including soap, toot...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 21:24:00 GMT

10 ways to support The West Memphis Three @ wm3.org

10 Easy Ways To Help 1) Donate Money To The Defense FundThis is easily the most important way to help; unfortunately it is also the most difficult for some. The important thing to remember is no amoun...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 08:59:00 GMT