QUOTES: WINONA RYDER: We would like to see Damien Jason and Jessie given new trials – this time based on concrete evidence, actual facts and substance – instead of rumors, prejudice, superstition and what amounts to a modern day witch hunt. We would like to see a real proper investigation to determine who really did kill those three children. -----JELLO BIAFRA: It could happen to me, it could happen to you. -----PRESIDENT BILL CLINTON: The films are remarkable, and it is certainly an interesting -- and troubling -- case. -----TOM WAITS: These boys didn’t get a fair trial. They got picked for wearing black clothes and having long hair. I am fundamentally opposed to the death penalty, and as Lenny Bruce said, In the halls of justice, all the justice is in the halls. Perhaps, a jury is composed of twelve men and women of average ignorance. and a judge is a lawyer who once knew a politician. In our system of justice, the best client for a lawyer is a scared millionaire. The worst thing in our criminal justice system is to be broke or different. -----HENRY ROLLINS: They were incarcerated through ignorance and a blindness that is as infuriating as it is horrifying. These three men have been locked away for many years, Jason Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley got life sentences and Damien Echols is on Death Row facing lethal injection. These three are innocent and to stand for the kind of insanity that convicted them is to align oneself with all that is bad. -----JACK BLACK: This is a really f*cked up situation. -----EDDIE VEDDER: I went and visited Damien in this little God-forsaken place, this prison, he's on death row, and everyone was treated like dirt there. ... I was ready for that, but the oppression's really heavy. And Damien's in there. -----EDDIE SPAGHETTI: No one is really safe from this kind of persecution. You might think that it would never happen in America, but it does. Granted there are millions of other cases that are probably worthy of our attention, but you can't go after all of them. To me, the planet itself is going to be fine. Pollution is the solution to the problem that is man. But maybe we can at least get these kids out of jail. -----
Metallica, Black Sabbath, Henry Rollins, Supersuckers, Black Flag, Tom Waits, Pearl Jam, Dead Kennedys, The Mandate Of Heaven.
check out the PARADISE LOST movies for in depth information on the West Memphis Three!
HBO - for helping by playing the Movies!
"Devils Knot" by Mara Leveritt - a history of the case. Stephen King.
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