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It was May the 5th , 1993 , in a small town of West Memphis , Arkansas , three , 8 , year old boys go missing.
Christopher Byers , Michael Moore , and Steven Branch.
The next day they are found murdered, battered and mutilated on a ditchbank , in an area known locally as Robin Hood Hills.
The West Memphis Police Department struggled from the start to catch a killer.
Vital crime scene evidence was lost, crime scene contamination , incomplete records and unorthodox questioning took it toll.
Under immense pressure with no read leads and very littlephysical evidence the focus of the investigation changed.
Satanic cults , hard and fast metal music, black clothing, and teenage rebellion were considered the culprip.
On the 6th of June, 1993 , Gary Gitchell of the WMPD , announced to the media that they had the killers.
They were three local teenage boys. All from the trailerparks , poor and in societys eyes , somewhat damaged and sadly disposable.
DAMIEN ECHOLS, 18 , considered the 'ringleader' of a Satanic cult due to an intrest in Wicca and the occult.
The quintisential outsider, he wore mainly black , loved Metallica , came from a broken home and was prone to teenage depression and angst.
Damien learnt to become the rejector rather than rejected and cultivated the image of being ' weird '.
It was in his own words a ' defense mechanism ' , for a lonely , isolated teen.
.. width="425" height="350" ..JASON BALDWIN, 16 , Damien's friend. Jason attended high school and was a good student.
He lived at home with his Mom. Jason was also different to most in West Memphis at the time.
He wore heavy metal band t-shirts , long hair , when other kids listened to top 40.
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JESSIE MISSKELLEY JR, 17 , lived in the same trailerpark as Jason. He knew of Damien through Jason.
Jessie wanted to be a wrestler. Live with his Dad and second step mom.
Jessie attended a special school, he had a low IQ , 75 , and had repeated grades at school many times.
He also suffered from paranoid delusions and had a problem differentiating from reality and fantasy.
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